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Chico update


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Chico, whistling alot more various tones, laying more with his ball, leaned over to me to get some banana from me. Moving along great.

However, he is not eating in his cage only on top when I let him out tonight. I think I will have to find out from the previous owner if this is normal or not for him.



He is bringing so many memories of my Clouseau (my grey that died) it makes me sad. He does so many things the same, example, he puts him food in his water dish, makes a noise just like clouseau, it is so weird. Are these what greys do too? Its kinda weird the both of them doing the same thing.


So far so good and loving it!

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In videos from other members, I do often hear similar sounds or see mannerisms that are just like Gilbert. In fact, Dan's Dayo has a similar voice. In some ways when Gilbert would remind me of our two departed greys it would give me poignant moments and make me wistful for what might have been if our babies had survived and grown to be adults. As time passes though, the memories he elicits from me are of joyful times so while it was painful at first, more and more those little reminders make me smile. One of the most striking things that amazes me is the way he calls the dogs and exhorts them to go outside, then whistles the "come here puppy" sound because both Juno and Kopi did that. I call to the dogs, but I don't think I whistle to them, in fact since we got Gilbert, I got braces and can't whistle so it is a little eerie to hear that. Other little things he says sound just like the other two and then I think he must have heard me say it and his mimicry of my words sounds so much like theirs. Chico is the opposite of Gilbert though, he will eat only when he is inside his cage and if I hand him something while he is out, he goes through great pains to carry it back inside before he will relax to eat it. It is really interesting to see how many of our greys have similar traits but still are very unique and individual thinkers.

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Josey mostly eats inside her cage but occasionally brings something out of her bowl to eat at the open door of the cage, she usually eats her dinner on the playtop but she is a dunker too, I hardly ever see her do it but the evidence is always obvious so her water bowl has to be changed often.

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