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Getting 2 CAG's in a couple days

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I'm so glad I found this site. I see I found a great source for information.


I am soon to adopt 2 CAG's. I've had parakeets and lovebirds but never a large bird. An elderly lady I recently became acquaintances with has advanced cancer. She has 2 male CAG's and looking for a good home. I had been wanting another bird and happily told her I would take her 2 birds. She will only let them go together, not split up. The birds are in separate cages. She is giving me the cages also. I believe the birds have been kept in the basement of the house for some time and just getting nutrition due to her illness. When I saw them they are both very timid. I believe she said they are approx 6-8 years old. One was caught in the wild, the other raised by hand. Neither can be handled at the present although she said the hand raised one could be held at one time. The one from the "wild" has plucked many chest feathers and she stated he goes thru phases of doing this. It really breaks your heart to see him. Fortunately there is a local bird fair this weekend and I'm going there to get supplies, toys, make local contacts, advice, etc.


I will continue their present brand of pellets but from reading sounds like Harrisons is the best. I plan to eventually switch them over. I also plan to keep the cages in my living room as that is where I spend all my time, but do you think that will be too overwhelming in the beginning and should I start out in a quieter room? There is only my husband and I. No children, they are in college.


I'm quite concerned about their diet. Please direct me to a source which will give me good, clear directions on how often to feed what type of foods.


I understand from reading this is a huge undertaking but I'm excited and willing to do what I can to give them a loving, safe home.


Looking forward to hearing from others.



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Welcome tintenter!!!


Wow, you are taking on quite a large task, but it is a valiant one in wanting rescue those two Greys and help them out along with their poor owner that atleast will know they are going to a loving home that will be able to care for them properly.


There is a wealth of information on this forum regarding diet as you asked in the food/diet room and many people with tons of experience and knowledge to answer any specific questions you may have.


Thanks for joining this forum in search of information on you new adopted Greys!!!


We'll look forward to hearing more from you and hearing of the progress as you work with these two Greys. :-)

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Hello and welcome to the family, BJ, glad you could join us and looking forward to hearing more about your new members of the flock.


I am so happy you could take in these 2 greys, they certainly need love and attention along with proper nutrition and I believe you will be able to provide that for them. I would put their cages in the room where you are most of the time to get them used to being around you. It will take time to gain their trust but if you are willing to work on it the rewards will be tremendous.


We have many threads on various topics that you should read thru for lots of useful information to get you started and feel free to ask us any questions, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


When you can get us a picture of the two greys so we can see for ourselves how they look at this point in time to be able to compare them at a later time for when they have had time to adjust and bond with you.


I commend you for taking on this task, I know it will not be easy but if you set your mind to it, I think you will find you made the best decision for yourself and these two greys. They truly are amazing creatures.

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Hello BJ and welcome to the group. So you are rescuing two greys good for you, I see that you are not the type of person who likes to just get their toes wet but in fact you jump in up to your neck :) Don't worry I'm sure you will do just fine, spend time with them and they will reward you with hours of laughter.

All the best, look forward to reading your posts.



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congratulations, and commiserations.

I have a rehomed TAG, and she is a pistol. We are now tight, but it took a bit of doing, but it never seemed overwhelming. I have to admit I wasn't fond of the biting, but I eventually learned what she was trying to tell me, and now pay attention. I am a good "owner"! now. :P

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Welcome welcome welcome!! I commend you on taking in these greys! They will bring so much joy to your life :P!!


Check out the bird food room for info on what a good diet should be. There are some foods that are off limits, so just make sure you are aware of those. Basically it sounds like they aren't really getting any fruits and veggies right now which should be a large portion of their diet. Start introducing as many new fruits and veggies as possible to find out what they like. AG's are like humans, all their tastes are different ;). I keep pellets in Mak's cage all day and I give him a big bowl of fruits and veggies in the morning and at night.


Definitely keep them in your living room so they can become familiar with you guys and their surroundings. It may take many months before they can be handled, but give it time it will happen :).


Lots of luck to you and feel free to ask us any questions. Congratulations!!!

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