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Hello, names Ashley :) live in Washington state. Don't have a African yet, but it's in the making am on the waiting list, am next in line for a baby African (congo)when ever they decided to lay mor eggs :) it's always been my dream to get a baby grey. And very much looking forward to getting my baby :) I grew up with large birds, macaws mostly. But was always my dream to have a grey, and my husband fin. Gave me the go ahead hahaha sense am home Monday-Sunday well unless we go out of the house lol. The baby I get will be hand fed, and am aloud to visit when ever I like, to get to no my baby. So right now am gonna start getting ready(buying the cage,toys, and so on)have a bit of time, lol just getting excited :D and any advise is welcome, And am looking forward to reading everyone posts, and learning as much as possible before bringing home my baby!

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Hello Ashley and welcome to our family.

So glad to hear you are finally going to realize your dream of having an african grey, you won't be disappointed especially if you wait for the baby to be weaned before you bring it home.

Please read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information, we have many rooms that deal with different subjects and you will find most of the answers to the questions you may have and many for some you may never have thought of but certainly read and research all you can before the baby comes home.

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Thanks everyone :) yea baby will be fully weaned before I get him/her :) the lady I am getting the baby from dosent let babies go unless there weaned and are ready to go,and i personaly have never fed baby birds before, so I wouldent feel comfortable doing that anyways. The wait will be well worth it, and gives me anough time to get the cage and all the goodies(toys,food,ext.) anyways. And the way time is flying by anymore, before I know it I will be bringing my baby home!

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Howdy! Welcome. I joined the forum about one year before getting my grey and it certainly helped prepare me for life with these wonderful amazing birds. Since you have parrot experience, you are already ahead of the game. Yes, greys are different from Macaws, but much of what you learned from life with other parrots will serve you well here. Love. patience, respect, and giving the bird autonomy and choices works. Read as much as you can. You will find a wealth of knowledge here. You may read conflicting opinions in some areas, but you will just have to make your own informed decisions that work for you and your individual grey. I did not have much bird experience before I got my grey, but I can say that these animals are just fantastic, and I have every confidence you will have a wonderful relationship with a great companion,

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