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The Dropping of the Healthy African Grey Bird?


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It's a good idea to use droppings to help judge health. But the appearance of healthy droppings do change kind of a lot depending on what a fid eats & drinks.


Some things, like fruit can show up immediately. Different pellets can cause different colored stool from the different dyes, for instance. Things can also affect the stool for a while before they're fully out of a fid's system. Since a healthy metabolism can have a lot of variation in stool color & consistency, it might be best to use w/other health indicators. Unless of course there's some obvious flag, such as extreme or prolonged diarrhea or blood which should be addressed immediately.


This one's not bad. The green part could be a little more of a "pile" &/or slightly fatter tubes. But not necessarily & overall it's a pretty healthy mix of green, white'ish & clear. It kind of looks to me like it splattered a little, like dropped during flight or from a good height. The fid may also have just been eating fruit or drinking a bit more.



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A healthy bird's droppings should be made of 3 parts





Usually the greatest percent of the pile is solid waste. Number 2. lol What we usually think of as "poop" by whatever name.


It can radically change in amount, consistence & color depending on the frequency of droppings & food or water intake.


It is not at all uncommon for this part to change color when a bird is eating things like a pelleted diet which contain a bunch of dyes, for example.





Birds don't take a pee.


Birds get rid of urine in their droppings.


Water content is part of any bird poop.


How much comes out varies greatly w/how much goes in & how recently.





This is uric acid which is a very necessary part of how a healthy kidney dumps the waste it processes.


This combined w/the clear liquid equals a bird's pee.


If bird droppings lack a semi-well defined bit of a white(ish) smear over too long a period of time, it could possibly indicate kidney problems.

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