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Hello from MI please read ( update )


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Hello , i posted last week with questions about me adopting a grey, i had two to choose from. As some of you may know i adopted a 8 year old named Henry. The original owners had him from a hatch-ling and due to moving out of country forced the re-home. anyway they said he had cage aggression bad!!! well after reading LOTS of advice on here i kinda took all the info and applied it new are new family member #1 let him decide when its time. It went like this.

I went to pick him up Friday November 16th. it went good i was unable to talk him into coming out of his cage, the owner chased him around the cage with a stick :( to get him to step up. he talked all the way home it was great. when we got home i was able to get him out of his car carrier without issue. and could handle him with out getting bit per owners fear. he was put in his cage in our living room and the next day not really talking and when we walked by his cage he would go to the top rear, we just talked to him. over the days to follow he would offer his head to be petted but only to me. and now he steppes up while in cage out of cage whatever it doesn't matter if i walk by his cage its ( Henry's a good boy i love you as he puts one foot up as to say come get me..) hes on my leg as im typing this. I can rub his beak put my fingers in his mouth, rub his back, pet under his wings we are buddy's he took a shower with me Saturday and LOVED it. hes still a little nippy at my wife and kids. but if i give him to them hes fine ? I could go on and on and on. Im very happy and just wanted to share my story. ?ui=2&ik=9c6254e8f3&view=att&th=13b0bbb88f2fed68&attid=0.1&disp=thd&zw

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Henry sensed the fear from his previous owner so he reacted accordingly, you on the other hand do not fear him so things are going much better plus you are allowing him to make some decisions for himself and it goes a long way in developing that trust you have to earn from him, I'd say you are well on your way to achieving that, just continue to do what you are doing.

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