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what is this noise? why is he doing it and what does it mean? I have heard him do it before but never for as long as he did this time...anyone know and can tell me? It gets really annoying after 15 mins or so especially when I don't know what it means....



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Sweet baby sounds. Lola (my Zon) used to do that more when she was a baby and she needed something. Now she just screams...LOL My advice would be to try not to indulge the sounds you don't like, but make sure baby has enough food and water.

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Sorry, it won't play on my iPad . If you describe it maybe I'd have a clue. :)

it kinda sounded like beeping but more in a honky type way, he kinda sounded like a pissed off goose. He started it when I went into the kitchen to make dinner. At any rate he IS fine and seems none worse for wear, I just worry that I may have missed something really important. I called the handfeeder and asked her, but since she is deaf, she has no clue what it means b/c she has never heard it before and playing it over the phone b/c the teletype phone can't mimic it. If anyone knows what it is please tell me what and how to stop it, serioulsy after 15 mins it was really nerve grating, but wouldn't have been if I understood squeeks, beeps and honk language lol. I tried to google "baby african grey sounds" but no sound file came up.

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It really sounded like baby sounds to me. Unfortunately our birds make some sounds that we don't always appreciate. The best way to stop it is to ignore it. Just make sure baby has everything she needs, then ignore it.

ps...Lola sounded like a duck!

Edited by CLB
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Sounds like baby honking to me and seeing by how dark those eyes appear (though hard to tell with the quality of the video) it's just the baby grey version of "FEED ME! FEED ME!"


he is in fact a babe, he will be 5 months old next week. he is still on 2 feeds a day but he started eating up everything in sight yesterday so I think it probably won't be long now til he refuses. I typically fill him up for the night about 7-8pm and then he gets a morning feed when the kids go off to school about 8:30, he really has no interest in eating when the kids (I do daycare) are all her, he seems to much enjoy watching them and getting loved on by the oldest ones and my own daughter....so he was hungry you think? I gave him some applesauce mixed in with cut apples, broccoli, carrots and snap peas about 30 mins before he started this noise and since he ate it all it never occurred to me that he could have been asking for more. I feel awful if thats the case. poor wee guy was trying to tell me something and I couldn't figure out what it was......is this a noise that goes away with age? if he is genuinely hungry I will feed him obviously but if its a noise that they continue to use for other things ....I wish there was a site that I could go to and listen to all teh baby sounds so I can commit them to memory and learn so this never happens again. Echo just hollers for what he wants and if you bring him the wrong thing he will tell "no want ____" ...its usually an apple he is after much of the time though lol.

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Honestly its just time and learning about each other. He will come up with his own "language" to convey what he wants. It will be up to you to figure it out. My buddy Jake is only a few weeks older than Storm and he does a little more grown up version of that sound now. He usually wants me to take him somewhere when he does it but that is just him. He had developed other sounds that mean I want a bite of that, rub me now and one for I'm happy to see you. Every bird is different and figuring it out is trial and error just like you did when your kids were little babes.

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Honestly its just time and learning about each other. He will come up with his own "language" to convey what he wants. It will be up to you to figure it out. My buddy Jake is only a few weeks older than Storm and he does a little more grown up version of that sound now. He usually wants me to take him somewhere when he does it but that is just him. He had developed other sounds that mean I want a bite of that, rub me now and one for I'm happy to see you. Every bird is different and figuring it out is trial and error just like you did when your kids were little babes.


if he is anything like Echo, he will have me whipped into his slave by the end of the week lol

he is doing again now, but much much quieter, I just put them to bed so he is probably protesting it as he hates bedtime and the first time he did it today, I had left the room to get dinner....so am now convinced he is telling me I need to return to him immediately lol

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It definitely sounds like he is begging, either for food or attention, you can tell that by his stance and he is looking right at you, the best thing you can do is just ignore it for if you go to him or give him some food he will continue to do it.


So wait ti; he stops to acknowldge or feed him? How long to wait for after he does stop?

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Another thing is you can't stay in the room with him all the time so when you are out of his sight and he calls just answer him with I am still here or whatever you want it to be and it will let him know you are still around even though he cannot see you, this will continue on into later years as he needs the reassurance he has not been left alone.

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Timber (he is about 5 years old) makes a similar sound when he wants to cuddle. Like a toddler, you have to figure out what he is asking for! There's always a chance he is just making noise to be making noise. Timber makes a variety of sounds for his entertainment (or so I believe).

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he has continued it off and on for short spurts during the day, it really does seem to be attention related and when he is quiet I will go over and engage him. I don't think he was doing b/c he was hungry as he did it today after our handfeed was done and he had eaten plenty and stuffed his face full of his sweet potato mash this morning, he ate the entire dish I gave him which was about 3tbsps full. So I am certain it isn't about hunger but more begging for my attention and he is only 5 months (almost) old so I get that he is a baby and still adjusting to his new life , and I have been ignoring the noise and talking to him instead. Which he seemed to like, not quite as much as physical love but enough. I think I am more surprised at just how affectionate he is, he just wants love love love thrown in with lots of cuddles and snuggles. Echo loves attention as well but he also likes to be alone. I hope is cuddliness lasts for his lifetime.

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That's exactly the sound my 5-month-old Timneh makes when he is hungry for his evening handfeed. He still gets spoon fed his birdie mash in the evenings and he starts this sound when he wants it. It's like he is only focused on making this sound and bobbing his head up and down until he gets it. After he is done eating, he goes on his merry way and does his own thing. It's so funny!

Good luck!

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Sorry, my audio is not working. Kids promise to fix it, when home from college.It is obvious, you have a baby. If baby is full, not seeking food but comfort, give it to him/her! Many times in the middle of the night, I got up for my birds crying, came down, snuggled and reassured them, they were okay.When they were babies, I treated them as babies. I always reassured them they were safe and I was always there for them. They learned to trust me. Always listen to your bird, respond to there needs. Nancy

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I know I'm going to raise eyebrows, but I'm going to post anyway...Ten or more years ago, when a breeder sold a baby Grey, you could almost be guaranteed that this bird was fully weaned and fully flight fledged. So when one of these babies would make a overt reaction to you, he was requesting more than likely, attention, even in the form of one warm bite of formula, which they would proceed to spit out now that they had your attention.

Let's fast-forward to today...we have what I call unscrupulous breeders. Because it is cheaper and it saves them money, they will sell un-weaned, un-fledged, immature Greys to unsuspecting wonderful owners with the minimum of instructions on their continued feeding and fledging. As in Nancy's case, sometimes this works and in the majority of cases, it doesn't. In the case such as Nancy's where a devoted owner successfully raises this poor baby, it gives the owner a false sense of security and knowledge of what they are doing and in turn, they pass on the belief that since they did it, others can do it. What is so sad is that most of these good people have done it only once.

Another sad point is the new owner doesn't know the routine and technique on when and how the baby was fed before they got it. An experienced person would know if the actions of the baby bird was for food or attention. Nancy's and others replies were excellent. Always give love and attention regardless. But in a case such as this one, you should always feed too. One feeding every night, same time, before bed! Get some formula and mix up 30cc's, heat it up to 109 degrees (Fahrenheit), make up a water bath so you can keep the formula up at 105-109 degrees, get a narrow plastic spoon and put it in front of your baby and see if he eats. If he eats the whole 30cc's, make up another 30cc's. He will tell you when he is done. Now, if your baby does not eat this formula, you can mix it in with your birdie bread, etc. If you have other birds, a 60 year old never refuses a warm spoon of formula.

Now, Abundant Feeding...a must practice that is not practiced enough is called abundant feeding. Always have more than enough food at all times available for your baby, be it formula, seeds, pellets, veggies. They are not like a dog or a cat where you feed them one time a day. They can develop a phobia that can actually kill them if they feel that there is no food or not enough food and they will never get enough again. That is why it is so important to take seed husks, skins, etc. out of their cage so they believe that everything is fresh. So sorry if I ruffled any feathers...this is my belief, this is my opinion. I have derived this from decades of avian breeding and observation and the actual physical practice of this. All my statements are backed scientifically. If I had my way, breeders would be put in jail for selling any un-weaned, un-fledged birds and counseling would be given to anyone buying a new bird. One more thing before I get off my soapbox, hand-feeding does not necessarily make a better companion or better bonded bird. Thank you. Jay

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