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People who are *owned* by their Parrots


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Notice that so many people say that they're *owned* by their parrots so I thought this would be a good idea......


1--Each person should tell how much the bird paid for them.

2--Whether you were purchased by the bird from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop.

3--Whether you were in a rescue and when the bird adopted you

4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her.

5--Whether you are being fed good food by the bird.

6--Whether you feel that the bird has spoiled you.

7--Whether you feel that the bird has treated you with respect.

8--Whether you think that the bird was overcharged when you were purchased.


Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/10/11 06:19<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/18 01:09

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! Both my birds got a bargain! BUddi was left in boarding by the husband/owner when they got a divorce; when the wife learned the bird was at the bird shop, she refused to pay the boarding fees. So, they just left her there. Fortunately she got good care, and then I wandered in there the same day she was released into the main aviary, for sale. I wanted an adult grey, not a baby and they told me she was a biter. But she didn't bite me however, they thought she was a he. I put the deposit and visited her every day for three weeks, and then they let me take her home when they were sure I could handle her. So I only paid 2/3 retail, she got the best part of the deal.


Buddi says: I was almost two when Joanna came for me.

I was in that boarding room for three months and those darn noisy cocatoos and amazons nearly drove me nuts!



I get good food but I'm bored with my cooked food, so now Joanna makes Oatmeal in the morning and it's mmm mmm good! I eat the whole thing and am putting on a few grams. I want to eat what Joanna eats but she says it has too much salt for me. She feeds me cooked cob corn that i LOVE, but the vet told her it is fattening and not good for me. I get almonds and walnuts, and my favorite is the black sunflower seeds, but they're too fattening to eat every day :( I used to eat alot of millet, but when Charlie came to stay here, he doesn't eat millet, so I thought I better not eat that anymore too. He likes to eat the colored Zupreem pellets, so now I eat those, too just like Charlie. Joanna is confused because before, I was afraid of them, I thought they were aliens but now, I eat only those ones, and I refuse to eat the Rowdy Bush ones, which Joanna doesn't like too much, because our poopy mess stains her carpet now. Oh well! A deal's a deal.


I don't think Joanna spoils me, she used to but now I have to share her with Charlie, and he talks with an English accent. I felt left out so I was plucking my neck feathers out and I didn't talk to Joanna for a while. Now, I have a yeast infection on my neck. I'm getting some help with that because I let her know I was feeling sad and she noticed it. Now I know for sure she loves me but I hate that medicine she gives me, it doesn't taste too good but I get to pick an almond out of the can after.


Joanna treats me with respect, or I will bite her. But she tells me no biting, kissing only and so, sometimes I'm a moody girl so I just push her hand or finger away, I don't bite her. She told me that hurts so I told her I love her and I say bye bye when she goes to work. We have an understanding. Yesterday I just learned to say What'cha doin? and Joanna went all nutty on me. Whoa.


I think I was lucky to get Joanna because I don't have to share her with any other people, just Charlie the Poop now. But, Charlie doesn't like to be held much so I guess it's okay he just hangs around on top of his cage and thinks hes the King of England. I can sit on Joanna's shoulder when she works on the computer, we've done that for years and Joanna knows I don't bite her. We play the boop boop game, and she scratches my head.

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1--Each person should tell how much their bird paid for them. Are you kidding me?!?! I paid nothing for them, in fact I made them pay me!! I forced them to put my name on the deed of their house, so now it is mine!! And while I sit here all day goofing off I make them go out and work to pay MY mortgage... OOOHHH I love being a freeloader.


2--Whether you were purchased from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop. I was living with all these other birds who I didn't get along with. I kept getting in fights and I got worms and lice. I had a couple of friends but it was time to move on. Finally I decided to go online and find myself a new place to live. Luckily I found a breeder who told my about this young gullible couple on another island. They fit the bill so off I went.


3--Whether you were in a rescue and when you were adopted.I adopted my couple on July 24th, 2007, I guess you could say I rescued them from a life of boredom.


4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her.They are 25 and 26, although they act like 2 year olds, sheesh! Good thing I am the mature one around here.


5--Whether you are being fed good food.I get constant room service. Anything I want is delivered right to my cage in no time. If I want papaya, it's there... If I want peas, it's there. If they give me any lip and don't feed me at the exact second I want them to, I let them have it... I will yell and yell until I get my way. And to show I am mad, once I get the food I make sure to fling a good portion of it on the floors and walls.


6--Whether you feel that your owner has spoiled you.I don't consider myself spoiled, I believe I get the treatment I deserve. I am a very classy grey and I deserve 5 star treatment!!!


7--Whether you feel that your owner has treated you with respect.They better respect me, after all I OWN them!! Without me they would be nothing!!


8--Whether you think that your owner was overcharged.

Like I said before, I made them pay me. I would say I got a pretty good deal... but let me just tell ya, if they had more money I would probably take it!!!

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I found my mom wadering aimlessly through rows of birds and toys at the bird show I went too. Although, I was still very young at 10weeks, as soon as I saw her, I knew she was the one! She was a little dense though, and when she put me back in the box with my clutchmate, I had to stand on my brother's head to get her to realize, we were meant for each other...humans! Sheesh! I did make her pay a hefty sum for that mistake though...bet she minds what I say better in the future! My mom is a little older at 38, so she is a bit harder to train, but I'm whistle training her, and she's learning to come when I call. I do have one brother a giant b&g macaw...he isn't very smart (he only says hello and hot, can you believe that?) and he is very pushy with my mother...I like it better when dad is home so I don't have to share. I don't like dad very much, I think he spends too much time swooning over that big blue doofas...so I bite him so he will stay away. Sometimes, I treat him nice, just so he will let his guard down and I can get in a good bite later. hee hee My mom better treat me with respect...I have a nasty little bite and I hate to use it on her, but sometimes humans can be very thick headed. I will say she does go out of her way to make sure I have properly prepared food and she always shares her lunch and dinner. Sometimes I even make her try the food first, just in case she made a mistake and didn't wash the new food properly, once I see her eat it, I will give it a try. She is like my poison tester! I like it especially when she puts peanut butter in my celery and puts little raisins and sunflower seeds on the peanut butter! I have also trained her make sure my toys are plentiful and traded out often, so I don't get bored. I wasn't overcharged for her, but she sure did need some training, we are almost there, I wouldn't trade her in now after I've put in all this effort and work!

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1--Each person should tell how much their bird paid for them. Well, I gave Bernadette a deal and let her take me home for 7 bills. I figured my quest for World Domination would be much easier away from the confines of that blasted brooder and gigantic man that fed me.


2--Whether you were purchased from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop. I escaped from a small bird cultivator.


3--Whether you were in a rescue and when you were adopted. From my understanding, Bernadette originally wanted a rescue bird, but they didn't have any and they told my person to talk the gigantic man about getting me...he's the best breeder in town. It was back on May 12 2007 that I made my break for it.


4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her. She was and is the age of 22, and at that age I figured it would be much easier to over take her and gain control of the bedroom! I myself was 6 1/2 weeks old.


5--Whether you are being fed good food. I was fed by hand a delectable meal, but as a I got tired of that she gave me other goodies. I refused to eat these horrid fruity flavored nuggets and forced her to get me pellets with a more refined taste. Of course I refuse to even eat those if there is not a small garnishment of finch seed on top with a side dish of greens. I also make sure I get my cut of ANYTHING that she has!


6--Whether you feel that your owner has spoiled you. I wouldn't say she spoiled me...it's more like she is my indentured servant.


7--Whether you feel that your owner has treated you with respect. She knows what would happen if she didn't **moves wing under beak in a cut throat fashion**


8--Whether you think that your owner was overcharged. I know of birds that go for double the amount I allowed her to take me for...I was more than just a good deal, it was like manna from heaven kind of deal!


Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/11 15:42<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/12 02:34

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MrSpock - You asked:


1--Each person should tell how much their bird paid for them.


[li]He paid nothing. He demanded I pay for the privilege of having his presence in my home.[/li]


2--Whether you were purchased from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop.


[li]As I stated, he made me pay for him to own me. I was owner-less[/li] :-(


3--Whether you were in a rescue and when you were adopted.


[li]I was in Limbo[/li]


4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her.


[li]None Ya - My eyes had turned from black to blue though, if that gives any indication[/li]


5--Whether you are being fed good food.


[li]Well, He demands I do the cooking and figure out what he likes. So sometimes I eat several different dishes in one meal, until he approves[/li]


6--Whether you feel that your owner has spoiled you.


[li]Owners don't spoil, they RULE[/li]


7--Whether you feel that your owner has treated you with respect.


[li]Yeah, he graces me by pooping on my shoulder and bites me when I fall out of his graces[/li]


8--Whether you think that your owner was overcharged.




Now Your turn MrSpock...... :-)

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1--Each person should tell how much their bird paid for them. Well my Mom bought me(Red) for $400 with cage. I was in a cockatiel sized cage, so she sold it to put the money towards a big cage for me that I love. She paid $600 for Zsa Zsa, and we have matching cages!


2--Whether you were purchased from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop. Mom's not sure if we were bought from stores or not, we were both rescued from bad houses by her though!


3--Whether you were in a rescue and when you were adopted. We were rescued!


4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her. Red was 13, and Zsa was 3


5--Whether you are being fed good food. Mom makes us these yummy mixes with veggies and fruit and stuff. We also get dried fruit for treats, and nutriberries and almonds also!


6--Whether you feel that your owner has spoiled you. My Mom loves me to death, I get all sorts of toys, out of cage time just to hang out and do my thing, and she plays with me too!


7--Whether you feel that your owner has treated you with respect. My mom knows that I am smarter than her and that even though I'm not a person, I should be respected like one!


8--Whether you think that your owner was overcharged. No I think that she was charged a good amount for us, after all we were well worth it!

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Well Dan

Actually, I'm definitely considered the owner BUT I might change that to *being owned* when

1--The birds pay the mortgage.

2--provide me with a new car every 3 years

3--make sure that tax payments are kept up to date

4--do all of the food shopping each week and pay for it.

5--buy their own food and change their own water.

6--vacuum their own area of dust, debris

7--cover their cage areas with newspaper.

8--wash their own cages

9--listen to us when I tell them to shut up.

10--stop flying over to us when we're watching TV.

11-stop nipping when I tell them to.

12-stop flying over to my shoulder just to irritate me when I'm on the PC.

13--stop shi*ting on my clothes when they're sitting on me.

14--stop putting little holes in my clothes just to be annoying.

There are other things too but as of right now, they have their work cut out for them.

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MrSpock - Ok your the Owner and Slave then. But, if your a slave to them, by definition, then technically, they are your Master and Owner. :-)


You must just keep working and doing all the menial tasks while the bask in the luxury of you slaving away for them. :woohoo:


Just admit it, they are your owners. It's time to let go of the denial you've been going through and just face it. That's the only way you will ever overcome this delusion you have been convincing yourself of for all these years. ;-)

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  • 1 year later...

Fun... :)



1--Each person should tell how much their bird paid for them.

I didn't pay anything for my mommy...but my mommy paid $900 for me...however, the accessories cost much more!!

2--Whether you were purchased from a private breeder or purchased from a pet shop.



3--Whether you were in a rescue and when you were adopted.

Not a rescue.."purchased" 4/6/06


4--The age you were when your bird decided to let you live with him/her.

3 months old

5--Whether you are being fed good food.

Yes!! My favorite is artichoke leaves :)

6--Whether you feel that your owner has spoiled you.

Totally! When my mommy gets home from work, she greets me before her hubby. She has never left me longer than about 8 hours, and she never will. I have all the toys I could possibly want and she lets me fly around the house as long as I'm safe.


7--Whether you feel that your owner has treated you with respect.

Yes. But I had to teach her...when I felt disrespected, I let her know with a BITE (cRuNcH)..she's good now. ;)


8--Whether you think that your owner was overcharged.

No way. Now that my mommy knows me, she'd pay whatever it took to get me.


Here I am doing my favorite thing...


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