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Found a grey to adopt I am so excited!


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So I have been looking around almost every day, considering diff types of parrots but I found a african grey close to my house online. My husband and I went today to meet him -his name is Chico. He was a doll! He is 1.5 yrs old, large cage and very very well trained. I was totally amazed how well behaved he was. He did not try to bite us at all when we tried to see how he would react to us when we got closer. We actually petted his head and beak! We are very excited and he is from the same breeder my other grey was from - small world. The owner is a friend of my daughters friend - again small world. She loves this bird you can see how close they are so I told her she could visit,email or call anything to help her get thru giving him up. She travels more and more for work and knows she needs to spend more time with Chico. She is bringing him to our house tomorrow to help with the transition. I am so excited like a little kid I cant wait until tomorrow. He talks, flys on demand and is potty trained, has never biten anyone she says. We saw him fly on demand,unbelievable. I guess I got lucky - we will see. I of course will let you know how it goes and as soon as I figure out how to get pictures from camera to here I will post pictures of him and of Fig my amazon.


So, I was thinking that for the first week I would keep Chico in a different room than Fig. What do you all think or do you think it is ok to be in the same room?


Ok, guess I just had to share with people who gets excited about parrots. Thanks!

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Congratulations on finding Chico so close to home. I am excited for you. Since Chico is a loved and well cared for grey, I agree with Talon, place Chico's cage where he will be permanently placed so that he can acclimate to his home from the beginning. Looking forward to seeing some pictures.

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Ok so I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I am going to load my pictures of Fig hopefully it works in the Amazon section. I will put Chico in the same room but not only was I thinking of Chico I was thinking that Fig will need time to adjust too.

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They will do fine in the sad room. Let Fig have the safety of his home,cage while he adjusts. It will take time, and it was Figs home first, so he needs to know from the beginning how it will be so there are few adjustments. I have 3 of my parrots in the same room, and I started with one. It went well each time I Introduced a new one as they knew THEIR routine never changed even tho theres a new flock member. ALWAYS do everything first for Fig, he was there first and his routine should stay as it is. I never get a different bird out of their cage, it is always in order of who was here first, second, third, etc. they expect it that way and keeps them from getting jealous and acting out.

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How lucky you were to find Chico and he sounds like a well adjusted grey, I would follow the other's advice about placing him in the same room as Fig and keeping the proper pecking order so things go smoothly. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of Chico when you get it figured out.

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How lucky you are to have found Chico, it seems this is meant to be. I am so excited for you as you bring him home and get to know him. I can hardly stand the wait myself and it isn't even me, LOL. I look forward to reading how the introduction to Fig goes and how Chico acclimates to having a new home. It is such a blessing to be able to have him introduced with the support of someone who loves him and helps with the transition.

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Yes my birds go to vets as well as my dogs and cats...


This is my 3rd time taking in a rehomed bird and all has been good. The other 2 times I was recommended to adopt from friends to their friends. I would of quarantine Chico from Fig but I have Chico's records and he is vaccinated. In fact, he is from the same breeder as my other grey who is a very reputable breeder in our area so I feel good about him. My other two (I still have one, one died) were from good clean homes with vet records too.



As far as Chico goes, he is doing good, Fig is also doing good too.. I brought him to the vet today for a checkup as he scared us as he flew from his cage and hit the window. Thankfully all is ok. I know some of you are for clipped wings and some are not. I decided today to have the vet clip his wings for me actually I helped as I know how to do it too. When we did, we saw that his wings were partially clipped so he had this done before. I may let them grow out it will depend how all goes and what we feel is best. Figs wings are clipped which I do so I have mixed feelings about this.


All and all, Chico is doing good. He is taking food from my hands, is on top of his cage making noises and playing with his ball with us. He throws to ground, we lift back up, he throws to the ground, etc etc. so I know he is playing with us. For just one day I think this is good.


The previous owner had a small dog and he barks like a dog lol. My little dog Pepper is going to drive me nuts, everytime Chico lets out a squeak noise, Pepper runs to the cage and bars. This evening not so bad but yesterday and this afternoon he was getting the best of me needless to say. So, Pepper has to be played with to keep him from barking at Chico, maybe it is because he is jealous. Thankfully I had a day off from work already scheduled so this worked out well with me being home.

He did not eat at all in his cage so I put his food dishes on top and tonight he eat and drank from the top of cage. Glad he is finally eating. We had pizza tonight, he reached out for a piece of it from my hand.


I am sure this will be a good relationship, my new baby for sure!!!!

Here is a picture of him.


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