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New african grey owner and in need of some advice


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I have been reading through some posts in the forum and i am amazed at how helpful everyone is.


My name is Ursula and i am in south africa. i purchased a grey 3 weeks ago and he is now between 5 & 6 weeks of age. (i know i only read afterwards that i should by it when it has been weaned.


I have him on 3feedings per day at the moment as i work during the day and go home lunch time to feed him. he eats about 30cc each feeding and looks healthy.


I want to know for how long i should keep him on 3 feedings per day amd when should i start introducing other food and water?


Thanks in advance for your advice

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You really need to do some reading, What kind of formula are you using? what temp are you heating to? Feed as much as he'll eat, do you know what crop extension is? There's so much info needed so much info you can only get from someone showing you in person how to feed them. Always have food available in the cage at all time, don't worry about water, he should be on 4 feedings a day, same time every day to suit him not you. [example:6am, 11am, 4pm, 9pm]. Some eat 50-60cc's


EDIT: What I'd like to see happen is for you to find a breeder who would finish feeding and weaning this baby. I'm so worried that the baby might be stunted or be malnutrition-ed. You need to weight the bird each morning after the big poop and before the first feeding.......

Edited by Jayd
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