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New grey owner needs help


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Hi everyone....


I have always wanted a grey as I have always admired their beauty and pleasant dispositions. Recently through a friend I have acquired theirs as they are moving out of the country. When I saw "Tony" a few days ago I noticed he has been plucking plucking other than that he looks in good health. My biggest concern is they have owned him for many years and I fear it will be a rough transition for him to make with them leaving. They do not leave right away there is a month or so in-between so should I start in corporating my self now gradually or will that only confuse him later when they are gone ? Any suggestions are welcome thanks , ryan

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Congrats! I personally would start now letting him get to know you. Have his owners bring him to your house for visits if they can, then in a few weeks maybe have him spend the weekend with you. He will probably still be in a shocked state when you get him full time but atleast everything won't be new and scary.

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Yes, start getting this grey used to you and learn everything you can about his food diet, how he interacts with them, what toys he likes, what scares him to death etc. It will help you provide a new home for him with many things that wil comfort him during the initial shock of his life long home and owners being suddenly gone.

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By all means get to know him better before you take him full time, it will lessen the shock of the transition to his new home, it will still be quite a change for him and get the present owners to provide you with as much of his background as possible for it helps to know what he likes and dislikes, past vet visits will be very helpful.

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