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SAM, my new CAG and he is 4 months old.


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Hello friends, hope u all njoys with ur grey master. Me too have a new friend a four yr old baby. Iam having some doubts and if any would come of help, would appreciate.


I brought him from a breeder 2 days before. I took him to a vet doc and he provided vaccine and did DNA test and virus test and today morning informed me that he is fine. Pls help me with the following:


1- Sam is so quiet always. I felt, when he want to make sound he strains lil bit. But mostly quiet. Is it ok or what should I do from my part ?

2- The vet doc said, he should be fed with only sunflower seeds, cerelac, fresh green apple, orange and fresh veggies (Broccoli and beans). No pellets till 9 months. Is it ok ?

3- What time to feed him and what quantity?

4- I heard red chillies are best to develop their talking habit

5- The doc told not to overpopulated his cage with lot of toys. One or two is maximum. Don't spend more than 15 - 20 minutes with him continuously. But ultimately spend 3 hours interacting with him daily.

6- he told me to keep a big bowl inside his cage filled with water and let it be untouched by him for days and after 3 days he will start taking bath from it as usually greys are good in hygiene. Is it all true ?

7- what is the most adorable toy for him ?

When and during what mood should I start training him to talk ?


I know it's bit large but I want to open up to keep my Sam in good health from ur all advices








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Hi shan and welcome to the grey forum. What is your new greys name ??

Do not give to many sunflower seeds as they are high in fat and not that good for them. You can offer pellets any time , but it make time before they eat them.

Your grey may be quiet for some time as he is in a new home with new people so give him some time to settle in.

You can sit by his cage and talk to him as much as you can and let him get to know you.

This should get you started.

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Hello Shan and welcome to our family.

Sam will open up and chatter more when he settles into his new home and feels more comfortable, after all it has only been 2 days and that is no time in grey time for it takes them a while so just be patient with him and give him plenty of time to adjust. Greys are known to be one of the quietest of the parrots but they have their times they can be quite vocal, you will notice that more as time goes by.

Ray is right about the sunflower seeds and go easy on fruit also as it contains lots of sugar, concentrate on dark green leafy type vegetables and orange color ones like carrots and sweet potato, they can also have a little meat like chicken occasionally, you can also give a few nuts, grains, rices, legumes and sprouts are very good also. Please take a look in the bird food room for lots of ideas and suggestions for a healthy and balanced diet.

You can offer pellets but he may not eat them, try several different varieties to find one he will eat, pellets are a good part of their diet but not a complete diet.

Do provide a few toys in his cage but not so many that he doesn't have room to open up his wings and flap without hitting them, you might have to experiment to find which type he prefers, some love wood, some leather, some plastic and so forth. You can change them out every couple of weeks to give him some variety to keep him from getting bored.

I would feed him first thing in the morning but keep pellets and a good seed mix available at all times as greys are foragers which means they eat all day long when they get hungry, they don't eat in meals like we do but depending on what you are having for dinner he can have some of that too.

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