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Cage thoughts


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As you all know, My grey seems to be h*ll bent on world domination, and sense he learned how to escape from his cage by opening the door I started locking it using one of the hangers from an old toy. He was not able to figure out how to "pick" it so now he is breaking the bars off the top his cage in an Escape from Alcatraz attempt. I've started getting worried that he'll end up getting his head stuck in the hole or something so I need to get him a new cage ASAP. The cage he is in now is his transitional cage from the brooder...it was actually the cage I had my Conure in. I've been trying to save for a large cage for him but my hours at work got cut big time and I have been swamped in unexpected medical bills so I haven't been able to get the $500 together for the macaw sized cage I want to get him. I'm thinking about getting him the same cage that I have my breeder finches in because it's plenty big enough for him and it's affordable for my right now. I was thinking about getting another cage down the road for more finches so I would be able to use it after I get him the BIG cage. Would you guys take a look and let me know what you think of it and if this would be good for him for about 6 months or so. He is only in his cage while I'm at work, so the rest of the day he is with me or hanging out on the finch cage or in the bathroom on the shower rod...for some reason he loves it in there.


54a3_1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/10 17:56


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You didn't list the dimensions but it looks like it would suffice for now if you are getting a larger cage later when you have the money.


You really got a little escape artist there, I guess once they learn how to escape they won't settle for less than total freedom. Keep us informed as to how this cage works out for you.

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MrSpock sent me on ebay to look at this cage...


Dimension: 32"Length x 23"Depth x 64"Height (Not Included Seed Guards)

Cage only: 32"Length x 23"Depth x 42.5"Height (Not Included Seed Guards)

Bar Spacing: 3/4"


The one thing that I'm worried about is the gauge of the bars...thats why I have been thinking more of Mul. Cockatoo or macaw type cages because the bars are so much thicker. I don't want to spend a lot on a cage and end up in the same problem I'm in now.


Has anyone else had the problem with bar breaking?




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Guest briansmum

to be completely honest i don't think it matters too much what you have him in for now as long as he can't escape from it or hurt himself. cages are expensive and if he has to make do with a slightly smaller one than you and him would like then for his own safety that would be the best :)

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The Cage you picked in your first photo is the cage I had my 36 Finches housed in.


I would be fearful that your grey would bite through those little bars. They are the same size bars you see on parakeet type cages.


The cage pictured that MrSpock sent you has the appropriate size bars.


It's your call, but though I would let you know how small the bars are on the finch cage.

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Hello BMustee,Greys have powerful beaks and can excert alot of pressure when needed. Keep in mind rule of thumb the bigger the cage the better, and toys toys toys they need lots of stimulation, things to play with other wise they get board. Good luck on finding a cage. :)



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Dan - Yeah, I have the same cage with four finches in it right now, I was thinking if I got that cage I would reuse it for more breeder finches later on. The cage he is in now has the same bars, that’s why I didn't go ahead and get it because it could end up being like handing my grey a $100 bill for him to "eat". Dave sent me pictures of the cages he has for his greys that are the same model and they all seem to be in really good shape. There is one more that I saw online that I'm considering...it's 40 inches wide, which is the size I really want for him and it's in my price bracket but they have the shipping amount listed at $299.99...that’s double the cost that they have the cage itself listed as!!! It says further down on the page that it ships for 98 bucks so I sent them an e-mail asking them exactly what the shipping is. So it's between the Spock cage and the mystery-shipping cage.


Trust me, I know that bigger is better (shut up Joe, I know your laughing) and that toys are a must and trust me has got more than he knows what to do with...mine just thinks he is in a Strong Man Competition or something. He must be arm wrestling with the cage.:laugh:

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From the look of MrSpocks cages (his have playtops, mine is a dometop) I might not have to get him another cage down the road after all because they seemed to be more than adiquit size. I might get one with the playtop to put on the back porch for him to get outside time.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/12 17:36

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