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Escaping African Grey!


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Hi everybody,


I have a pair of african grey parrot.

I let both of them free uncaged and unchained around my homepage.

If the day is going night, I caught them and put them inside a cage.

The cage size is 1 m length, 0.5 m width, 0.5 m high.

One cage for both of them.

One day, suddenly the female doesn't want to be captured with my hand.

She is always avoid may hand, flying away around my home page.

It is impossible to catch her by a hand as she always flying.

Now I realize that she is never flying away from the male.

I know that I still have a chance to catch her.

To avoid the male is going fly away with her, I catch the male and put him inside the cage.

I am thinking about to make a bird trap but I don't know how to make.

So, does anyone here know how to make an effective trap for an african grey parrot?

Please help me, I do not want to lose my parrot.


Thank you



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If you start making sense, you may get replies.....I see you are from the US.


Wow I admit I am not understanding what you are asking other than you want to trap your female grey, but the above response was uncalled for, not everyone speaks english. I think you are saying that your hen refuses to go into her cage at night time or any time you are wanting her to and she keeps flying away, thus you want to make a trap for her?? If this is correct than my answer is this: you do not trap her, she will not take kindly to that and it will only cause fear. I would suggest clipping her wings so she can't fly away. I am hoping that your cage size is a mistype as it seems awfully small for even 1 grey let alone 2.


I may have totally misunderstood your post though.

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Wow I admit I am not understanding what you are asking other than you want to trap your female grey, but the above response was uncalled for, not everyone speaks english. I think you are saying that your hen refuses to go into her cage at night time or any time you are wanting her to and she keeps flying away, thus you want to make a trap for her?? If this is correct than my answer is this: you do not trap her, she will not take kindly to that and it will only cause fear. I would suggest clipping her wings so she can't fly away. I am hoping that your cage size is a mistype as it seems awfully small for even 1 grey let alone 2.

I may have totally misunderstood your post though.

Hi and Greetings. The responce Talon gave was appropriate, a opinion and a request for clarification. I have a question? What does Clipping Wings have to do with putting your fid in their cage? there are far less drastic ways of accomplishing this task, hundreds are posted on this forum. I'm sure you've noticed that the majority of the members don't clip their fid's wings.

Thank you so much for your response and opinion. My reply is my opinion and only mine.......

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clipping his wings won't help him get the bird in the cage but is she is clipped she isn't going to fly the way he is describing. No I hadn't noticed that most don't clip..is there a reason not to? I have kids in and out all day long and I would be devastated if he flew out an open door. Now he can still fly sort of, he pretty much just glides to the ground and I pick him up and replace him back on his cage top.

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Sorry, but I don't fully understand what the original post was trying to say either.

Also, when I had my grey his wings were always clipped and my amazon wings are clipped too.

I clip my amazons wings and his nails. But I am getting a new baby grey tomorrow and he does not have his wings clipped and I am going to leave them. If I feel they should get clipped then I will do them at that time, but for now a new experience for me have a full fledge parrot.

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We need some clarification pcarrot. Are your birds a bonded pair? That means, are they mated to each other? The impression your first post gives is that they are more wild. Do they interact with you or show any signs of being bonded to you? How old are they and how long have you had them? Knowing this will help us advise you.


I agree with the others. That cage is waaaaay to small for one grey, let alone two. Even if you're only using it for a sleep cage, if you want them to be more tame and bond to you, they should each have their own cages. Your parrot's cage should be its' safe place. Maybe your male is doing something that makes your female not want to share a cage. You say this behaviour is sudden, but it's possible that she's been trying to tell you something for a while and you haven't noticed. Take a look at the thread in the Training forum room entitled "body language most frequently seen". It will help you understand what your birds are trying to tell you. Lastly, do not try to catch your bird in a trap of any kind. Not only will it destroy any trust you have, but the chances of injuring your bird are too high. I would get each of your babies it's own cage. (There's a forum room here specifically about cages and toys with lots of great information), and then make the cage a place they want to be in. Bribery works wonders. Lol. Fresh water and a favourite treat and some yummy food and she'll eventually choose to be in her cage. Hope this helps. Please post again with more information about your birds, like their names, and we'll try to help further.

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