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Bonding method


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I just brought home my 4mth old CAG Zeke.


What are your opinions on bonding with a CAG? I tend to be more of a hands off let the animal come to me when they are comfortable kind of pet owner, but parrots seem to be on a different level and are more than a pet. The breeder told me I need to just gently grab him up and not give him any options, even if he growls at me. I am not so sure about that. It seems like a major intrusion on his personal space. I am not sure how that would foster trust in me. My method of letting the pet choose when to give love has worked well with all of my other pets, except for my mean rooster, we occasionally have to play king of the roost. I have worked with my parakeets some. They will eat out of my hands and perch on me in their cage. They seem comfortable with that. I never try to force them to do it though. That's about as much physical interaction as I get with them. I don't really think the parakeets look to me for anything more than food, water, treats, toys and free time out of the cage to fly, they have strongly bonded with each other and seem to be a very happy family. I hope for more one on one interaction with Zeke.

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I think you have super instincts. Hard as it may be to be a newbie who's going against a potentially knowledgeable breeder, I think you should go w/your gut. Trust is huge in your relationship w/your grey. And trust has to be earned. So letting Zeke come to you is a greyt start.


Unfortunately, if the breeder has been treating him like that, he's apt to take a little longer to come around. So don't get discouraged in the meantime. And if you have questions about different episodes along the way, don't hesitate to post them. There are a lot of members here that can help & we're pretty good at moral support, too. :cool:

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