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he's home!!


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So we brought our TAG home today. We are so in love with him, but Echo our quaker I think is wishing we would send the new stranger back to the egg he came from.


We had intended to call him Skip, but after meeting him, he just doesn't look like a Skip, after throwing names out there we finally came up with "Stormy Grey Sky" but we are calling him Storm for short. He has been home about 3.5 hrs now and has been and out of his cage, checked out his new toys, had a power nap and a handfeed. He isn't shy at all but everytime I go to him he kinda like honks, so I fed him, he is now sitting on top of his cage preening himself. He was less than impressed with being stuck in a carrier for the 2hr ride home, and tried without success to get himself out. So far I can see his stubborn streak but OMG he is so sweet. he kissses so gently and even when he bit me it wasn't hard harder the Echo obviously but in all the years I have owned birds, it isn't a question of "IF they bite you" its more of WHEN they bite you and let's face it, they all will bite at least once and usually more lol.


My 9 yr old is excited, finally she has a bird that will step up to her and let her touch him, Echo used to but hasn't for quite a while, he is very much a mamma's bird and I don't expect that will change. I am hoping that Storm will be this tolerable for life but I expect he will go through stages. So our first few hrs have been great and it's love.

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LOL he's so funny, he is making a beeping sound and when he gets tired of that he taps on the cage door with his beak. He just does not want to go to bed. But I am up at 5am and cannot keep him up til midnight like his handfeeder did.....how long til he adjusts to a new bedtime?

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Congrats on your new baby!

My first grey is a TAG and he is now 5 months old. We started a 8pm-9pm bedtime when we brought him home at 10 weeks. Now, if he is ready for bed, he does a loud "two syllable" whistle that sounds like "nite nite," which is what we say when we put him in his night cage. It won't take him long at all to establish a bedtime. I would definitely cover him at least initially so that he can be separate from the rest of the goings on of the house and begin to associate that with bedtime.

How old is your baby?

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Congrats on your new baby!

My first grey is a TAG and he is now 5 months old. We started a 8pm-9pm bedtime when we brought him home at 10 weeks. Now, if he is ready for bed, he does a loud "two syllable" whistle that sounds like "nite nite," which is what we say when we put him in his night cage. It won't take him long at all to establish a bedtime. I would definitely cover him at least initially so that he can be separate from the rest of the goings on of the house and begin to associate that with bedtime.

How old is your baby?


he is 4.5 months old. He did finally settle down and I didn't hear anything from him until after I was awake this morning when he tipped his food dish over lol.

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Congrats on your new addition. My first bird s a tag, and sge is a sweet, comedian! I adore her. I don't put my birds on a strict bedtime, it varies depending on when I work till, but I do cover their cage at night with a dark sheet so they always know its bedtime, works well for me.

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