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Dont want to rehome.. but..

I Tri Hard

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..I feel like I have to. My boy deals with some cardio issues and i'm kinda paranoid about having pets in the home. I posted an add on the classifieds page. This is not really what I would want, and she is like a member in our household now. I've had her ever since she was like 3 yrs old (she's now about 10). I'm torn-- i want to find her a good home but i dont really want her to go...

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I dont know, and I guess that's the point. We almost lost him when he was a baby (over cardio issues) and now I'm really paranoid over it. I just dont know... and i cant really get anything to tell me with absolute certainty. I feel like I'm on a quest to put him in a bubble, so to speak, ruling out possible factors right and left..

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Just to reassure you, parrots have no effect on cardi problems. About the only problems people have with greys concerns already existing any COPD *(Asthyma--chronical broncial diseases) which is affected by a bird's dander. If your child has no breathing diseases, keeping the bird should be no problem. Another thing----people who have COPD and decide to get a bird, espeially greys---with some people the breathing problems will show up quickly.

Edited by Dave007
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I have a heart problem, and my parents years ago were very worried about me. I can see where with the worry you have for your son, the time and care that a grey can add to your family can overwhelm you at this time. I hope you find a loving home for your grey. If I still lived in California, I would voluntary to care for your grey until you felt more comfortable with your son's situation and could take him back.

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Just to reassure you, parrots have no effect on cardi problems. About the only problems people have with greys concerns already existing any COPD *(Asthyma--chronical broncial diseases) which is affected by a bird's dander. If your child has no breathing diseases, keeping the bird should be no problem. Another thing----people who have COPD and decide to get a bird, espeially greys---with some people the breathing problems will show up quickly.


I suffer from COPD but I have never had a problem with Misty's dander. Just in case I asked my doctor to do some antibody and alergy tests and he found no problem. My COPD was from years of smoking cigarettes but having Misty around helped me stop some years ago.

Dander could be a problem for some people but you will know very quickly if it is.


Steve n Misty

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Get a really good air cleaner for your home. It will help everyone breathe better, including your bird. My friend who is allergic to birds, got one and is symptom-free. Ours is a IQ Air. It is so quiet but processes lots of air. I vote for finding out more information rather than give up your bird before being fully informed.

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I'm here! Went through a major rough patch with my mother and her health, plus work insanity. But things sure are looking up now.


Clarice is a little shook up (after all, she did lose her mate), but doing extremely well. She has a tremendous vocabulary. I'll be posting more pictures (and stories) soon when she's more comfortable.

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And here she is! This is her first time in the aviary. She had loved watching the White Crowned Sparrow - and yelled "Hello!"


Her bloodwork came back perfect (just got the info). She was groomed yesterday - including a Dove bath - and did wonderful. Plus, she smells delish.


She's an absolute joy. I'm thrilled she joined the flock.

Clarice Aviary.jpg

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She's beautiful! How are the other greys reacting? I have to say I'm in the middle of a near-miss (I think). There is a CAG for rehome about 20 miles from me and I'm fighting myself to keep from going to take a look.


Until today, they were kept at a distance (health concerns - mini quarantine). They are very curious about each other. They are "talking" to each other. No signs of any kind of aggression, but I'm going to take it very slow. They've had over a week to chatter away to each other from separate rooms. Suddenly, my TAG looks so small!


I work a lot of hours, so it makes me feel comfortable to have more than one bird. Every household is different. I highly suggest having two, but that's just me!

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I'm gone a lot too, and I wonder if Timber would like company (other than the cats). Then I think about how I feel I don't give him enough time as it is... and the brain goes round and round!


I know! Take your time. The answer will come to you. When I saw a picture of Burt, I just *knew*. Same thing with Clarice. :)

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She is beautiful in the aviary. What good fortune to live in a place where you can be outside in the sunshine year round. Glad her bloodwork came back showing her to be healthy and giving you the green light to start bringing your happy little flock together. It is great to have a nice gradual introduction where they were talking and getting more curious about one another. My best wishes for a harmonious flock giving you decades to laugh and enjoy the companionship.

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