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Anxious about introducing new Labrador puppy to 5 year old Grey


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Hi everyone, I'm a new member residing in South Africa. I've been reading the posts on this website for a long time, and have finally decided to make a post. I have a 5 year old African Grey named Jolly. He is the king of our household, in other words really really spoilt. He's a happy bird with no behavioral problems at all, but he's very wary of strangers and doesn't like meeting new people.


Anyway, we're moving to a large house soon and will be getting a Labrador pup. Now I am very very worried about introducing a new puppy to our Grey and will appreciate any advice or warnings. Jolly has seen dogs before. When we first got him at the age of 3 months, we had a Husky which lived outside, so they were never really in contact (because I actually watched that dog eat a live bird once). Our Grey never seemed afraid of the dog, but we had to give the Husky away a few months later because our yard was too small, so I don't really know what his feelings towards dogs are. My main concern with this new puppy is that Jolly will become jealous and start plucking. So if anyone has any tips on how to bring this about smoothly, thank you!

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You know you will never be able to leave them alone in the house when Jolly is out of his cage as a lab is a bird type dog and I would never trust his natural instincts to fetch that bird but others here have dogs inside and birds and they manage and so can you.

If you handle things right Jolly should not become jealous or start plucking, just make sure he has his quality one on one time as he always has and other members who have dogs and greys will chime in with their ideas and suggestions on how they make it work for them.

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Hi Jolly's parront, welcome to the Grey family. One good thing is that your lab will be a puppy and more easy to control and get use to Jolly. Unfortunately if your grey is like my Ana Grey, TAG, who believes she is queen, your puppy will have to look out. My Ana Grey is a stalker and fearless so she is the one I don't trust with dogs. Judy's advice is priceless. Hunting dogs and birds, need watching always.

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I must be lucky, I have a standard poodle who is techically a hunting dog, she never went after my parrots. Bella my poodle who we got at 9 yrs old is 12 now and she has been around them her whole life. I guess I am lucky. My papillon doesn't bother with them either, Pepper is 7 yrs old and we have had him since in was 6 mos old. All in all, I would still be very very careful as everyone suggested as you can never be to careful, better safe than sorry. Enjoy your new puppy !

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