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New CAG owner from Virginia

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Hello everyone. My name is David and our new African Grey came home Friday night. Her name is Luna and I feel fortunate that she has been socializing quite well for the most part. My wife who originally wasnt as keen on a new bird has even fallen in love with Luna and helped me spend a good amount at the store on a new play stand as well as more toys. We have three friendly dogs who have had short supervised trips into the living room and Luna now continues to play with her toys, eat and talk while they are around. I take this as a good sign of her comfort level. Our dogs also live with two cats so they are tame around other animals (I know - the dogs will never be alone in the room with Luna and the cats will always stay in another part of the house).


I do have a question that I believe is somewhat different than the other 'Step-up' threads I have seen here. Luna is a baby - just under 6 months old. She is very communicative. I know when she wants to come out of here cage, go to the play stand or even to my lap believe it or not. I feel lucky to be at this point so quickly with her and give the aviary where I got her all the credit. So here is my situation. The first night and even Saturday morning Luna was stepping up to my hand. Then we had a situation where she tried to fly to me across them room and got trapped between the banister and our couch. She was in no danger but was trying to get out of there. Rather than risk getting bit I used a small hand held perch which she immediately grabbed onto. This perch has become the new bonding point between Luna and myself. I honestly believe she now sees this perch as a 'safety net'. She ALWAYS steps up to the perch. However she now does not step up to my hand. She wont try to bite or even move away. She will generally put one foot on my hand and go no further. While she is on the perch she will let me pet her and it's obvious she is quite comfortable with it. She starts moving towards me when she sees the perch. My question is - Do you believe she will always be partial to the perch or will I be able to train her to step up successfully again? I am very patient and don't mind the wait. I just dont want to discourage her from my hand by always using the hand held perch.


Thanks for any help and I really do look forward to meeting everyone and educating myself through these forums.

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Hello David and welcome to our family and congrats on your new addition of Luna.

I wouldn't worry too much about her acceptance of the perch as she may have learned to use one while she was at the aviary where you purchased her and sometimes it is necessary to use one but don't be afraid to have her step up on your hand or she will know you are afraid of her, they are good at sensing our feelings and emotions.

Please feel free to share some pictures of Luna if you have some as we would love to see her.

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Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Luna is amazing. I am still learning from her as she is from me. She loves to be pet so much that many times I can't get her to the playtop or playstand. She just wants to hang with me. I am not complaining. Any one on one time is great. I am going to try and attach some pics of Luna on her table top play stand.



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What a great morning! I had Luna playing with one of her toys on the floor this morning and I was recording it with my cell phone. And once she was done throwing the rings about she chose to walk towards me so I put my hand down and she stepped up! All on video :). And it didnt end there. She has a 'natural tree' table top playstand which she only stays on the highest perch. This morning she finally decided to investigate the other branches. Defintely made my day before leaving for work.

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