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How often should Greys bathe?


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Felix is not too fond of a bath. However, occasionally (about once a month) he loves a full bath.


My husband will often leave his glass of ice water out on the bar and felix will perch on it and dip his face into the water. Most of the time he does this a few times and moves onto something else.

However, yesterday he did this and proceeded to fluff his feathers and dip his whole head in. I immediately filled a bowl full of water and placed it nearby. He jumped right into it and submerged his whole body. He flapped and danced around in the bowl making sure to wet every feather. It was hilarious. I found it very strange for a bird who doesn't show much interest in a bath to suddenly dive in 100%. I guess he just felt like it was time for a bath.

Should I continue to let him bathe when he wants or should I try to make it more of a regular thing?



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Be thankful you have a bird that will occasionally take a full plunge bath as a lot of us don't have that luxury but yes by all means make it a regular thing. They should bathe about twice a week, more if the humidity is low in the house.

I would love to see a video of Felix in one of his bathing moods if you could manage that, it would be a hoot.

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