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My Boy is Growing Up


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After months of flying lessons, Bongo is flying! Even making turns to get to me. We started with just close flights, we all stunk at this in the begining and he crashed every time. Last week started the longer flights and always from my husbands arm with him having to drop his arm to start him off. This week he started just flying off his arm to me with no prompting and would even take off from him when he was walking from me to to have him fly again, so his back was to me and he would have to turn around in air to come back to me. Two days ago he started taking off from his stand with perfect landings on my arm every time! Yeah, now we have 2 flying around the house!

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I just get a quick whistle from him so he knows i am paying attention, i whistle back and say come on! Tonight was special, just me and him while i put dinner together and then while cleaning the dishes i heard the whistle said come on and turned just in time to catch him landing! Heehee!

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Feeling a bit bad. I got my flyers mixed up yesterday. When they are in the air i can't tell them apart and one was heading for me like they were going to land on my shoulder, as Gabby does. I turned my head so she could land, being that she has that bumm leg she sometimes grabs my glasses so i turn my head to protect them. When she did a fly by though and landed on the floor in shock, i noticed it was Bongo. Poor guy was looking at me as if he was thinking, "lady, you taught me to fly to you so why did you turn your head and let me crash?" It amazes me how you can sometimes look at their faces and know exactly what they are thinking! (I cleaned up his thoughts for the forum, his look to me really started with "dumb ass...")

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Oh be careful what you wish for! Lol He's a flying fool. My poor husband can't even pick him up if i am in sight of Bongo, as soon as Pat even starts to walk toward him, off he goes flying to me. I did find that the massive cooking yesterday proved to be very stressfull. It could have been less worrysome if just put them in their cages but since we were not going to be home, i didn't think it would be fair to them. Everytime i opened the oven, i had my husband stand behind me and keep an eye out just in case. There were no incidents but there were a few flights that had to be intercepted before hitting the stovetop. (not that i had anything on the stove, just trying to train him not to go there for the future, it isn't working however. )

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