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Dave007 Thanksgiving with a parrot


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I always repost this each year. Our much loved Dave007 posted this on this site about 4 years ago and thus I am posting it again this year for all to enjoy. Only Dave could write something like this. :)



One turkey

Corn pudding

Green beans


Sweet potatoes

Mashed potatoes with gravy

Cranberry sauce

Hot rolls

Relish tray

Pumpkin pie

Whipped cream

Hot coffee


Get up early in the morning & have a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long day, so place your Parrot on a perch nearby to keep you company while you prepare the meal.


Remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch.


Prepare stuffing, and remove Parrot from edge of stuffing bowl and return him to perch.


Stuff turkey & place it in the roasting pan, and remove Parrot from edge of pan and return him to perch. Have another cup of coffee to steady your nerves.


Remove Parrot's head from turkey cavity and return him to perch, and restuff the turkey.


Prepare relish tray, and remember to make twice as much so that you'll have a regular size serving after the Parrot has eaten his fill. Remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch.


Prepare cranberry sauce, discard berries accidentally flung to the floor by Parrot.


Peel potatoes, remove Parrot from edge of potato bowl and return him to perch.


Arrange sweet potatoes in a pan & cover with brown sugar & mini marshmallows. Remove Parrot from edge of pan and return him to perch. Replace missing marshmallows.


Brew another pot of coffee. While it is brewing, clean up the torn filter. Pry coffee bean from Parrot's beak. Have another cup of coffee & remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch.


When time to serve the meal:


Place roasted turkey on a large platter, and cover beak marks with strategically placed sprigs of parsley.


Put mashed potatoes into serving bowl, rewhip at last minute to conceal beak marks and claw prints.


Place pan of sweet potatoes on sideboard, forget presentation as there's no way to hide the areas of missing marshmallows.


Put rolls in decorative basket, remove Parrot from side of basket and return him to perch.


Remove beaked rolls, serve what's left.


Set a stick of butter out on the counter to soften -- think better and return it to the refrigerator.


Wipe down counter to remove mashed potato claw tracks. Remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch.


Cut the pie into serving slices. Wipe whipped cream off Parrot's beak and place large dollops of remaining whipped cream on pie



Whole slices are then served to guests, beaked-out portions should be reserved for host & hostess.


Place Parrot inside cage & lock the door.


Sit down to a nice relaxing dinner with your family -- accompanied by plaintive cries of "WANT DINNER!" from the other room.


Happy Holidays!!



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I love this story. It never gets old. If it has one moral though it is that if you are going to choose a Grey or any parrot for that matter as a companion you absolutely need infinite patience!:D


Happy Thanks Giving to my friends across the water and I hope your turkeys forgive you!;)



Steve n Misty

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My first time reading this too, how true with 8 month old Alfie every day is like this sadly we still have to return to cage as he has not got his wings clipped and can out do my attempts at keeping him away from food every time, never want to have him clipped but every day I think how nice it would be to put him in one place and he would stay there just for a while!!

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  • 2 years later...

I Just read this for the first time. OMG - this is exactly how I spent yesterday (Thanksgiving) except in the end Dayo had a place at the table and sat at her bowl and enjoyed the feast. OK a few times she started to wander to my mom's plate but mostly she was well behaved. At 4:00 after all the feasting was over I noticed her eyes at half mast just like mine :) I weighed her this morning and where she is always right around 400g (She's a little girl) This morning she weighed in at 435g.

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P.S... This post is important to me because it reminds me that I am not alone. Most people seam to look down on me for living with my fully flighted and uncaged parrot (Not Parrot people of course) - In fact my sister and her husband would not come to my house for thanksgiving because of it. I always feel a twinge of shame when people ask - "don't they poop?". While my mom is not a big fan at least she is a good sport about it although I am sure if she had seen Miss Dayo fall into the stuffing bowl and quickly sink up to her neck in Dry Bread cubes she would not have eaten the stuffing!

Edited by bluedawg
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  • 3 weeks later...

Your parrots are like your kids, no one else likes them like you do. Except I am different with other's birds - I do like to see other people's birds. Their kids - not so much.


I can tell when my mom or my mother-in-law and her husband come around they put on the good act around our birds but we all know they couldn't give a crap and can't figure out why I treat my birds like little playful children.

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  • 11 months later...

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