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Caesar's most favorite treat is roasted peanuts, in the shell. However, my wife thinks they are bad for him. Is she right?


They're fine as long as they're human grade roasted nuts bought in food stores( supermarkets, grocery stores) that have nothing to do with parrots. Don't feed every day plus try out unshelled almonds and unshelled walnuts. They're good for the beak. Different nuts are part of a grey's diet in the wild.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks for the replies. I used to say that walnuts were Caesar's favorite treat, but now he will sometimes turn up his nose at them. However, peanuts get him so excited and he always eats them, and it does appear that he loves to rip open the shells.

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Jake is also a destroyer of shells but doesn't eat the nut. He doesn't get peanuts but gets almonds instead. I think he gets a little of the almond meat but mostly he just digs it out to throw it.

Edited by Wingy
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i have read that peanuts in the shell are dangerous. there was member on here who lost his gray due to unshelled peanuts.




if you give your bird peanuts, so what dave said and get human grade. do not use peanuts found in birdseed.




Unshelled peanuts: If you want to give your parrot unshelled peanuts, it is best to buy human-grade quality. The unshelled peanuts in avian seed mixes are often damaged and do not necessarily meet the standards required for human consumption. Poor quality unshelled peanuts are a known carrier of Aspergillus species.
Edited by carlsjr
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i have read that peanuts in the shell are dangerous. there was member on here who lost his gray due to unshelled peanuts.




if you give your bird peanuts, so what dave said and get human grade. do not use peanuts found in birdseed.





That's correct.

Unfortunately, most parrot mixes contain raw unshelled peanuts. There's a huge difference between human grade nuts and nuts in the parrot mix. If a person want's to see the difference all they have to do is get one from the mix and eat it. You'll see a major difference between the two. They taste terrible. The rawness is obvious but those peanuts don't bother birds. It's always a good idea to remove them and dump them. That goes for all the peanuts found in the bag. Remember that many times, the shell has broken in the bag and the nuts are just moving around. The whole bag doesn't have to be done all at once, just take them out as you use up the parrot mix. They're easy to see and many of them wind up in the bottom of the bag of parrot mix. Roasted human grade nuts don't cause problems and if a person can't figure that out just remembr that a human can contract the same disease so the nuts are cooked and bacteria is killed off. There's never problems with them.

Edited by Dave007
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Most all nuts and seeds are ok, in small amounts, a almond a day can do wonders for your parrots, 3 table spoons of sunflower seeds in the shell are real good for a parrot' there just not complete in all nutrients, and are high in sat fat. A parrot will eat only sunflower seeds if given the chance, but given as a treat there really good for them. Nuts, [most] are full of EFA's [Essential Fatty Acids] which our parrots need. Remember, peanuts are legumes, not nuts....

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Dayo gorged on Sunflower seeds anytime he could until around 2 years old. He for whatever reason never touched a sunflower seed since then. He loves almonds in the shell or out, pistachio nuts, peanuts dry roasted, walnuts, cashews etc. Note: all should be unsalted for those not knowing this.

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  • 1 month later...
Dumb question: If the raw peanuts in the seed mixes are potentially bad for our birds why do the manufactures include them in the mix? It seems pretty irresponsible to me.


Not a dumb question, It's simple, dollars! Peanuts are fill, fill is cheap, feed makers are not in the business to keep our birds happy but just to sell food just to sell food. Last year we food pallets of name bird seed at a named retail store which had fungus, we got the food removed....As long as we keep buying mix's that have raw peanuts, they'll keep selling them, we don't buy from company that sell them...Why Cig's, alcohol, etc, it's all in the name of money.....

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