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Warning to Gilbert


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And so did I Dee, Gilbert has nothing to be afraid of for he knows he has wound himself firmly in your heartstrings which is becoming more apparent every day, I believe in time you will hear less and less of the potty mouth and more and more of the sweet words. Thanks for sharing that article with us, that bird was smart enough to know when he had an audience and probably loved the attention it brought whenever he let loose with the profanity, shame on his former owner.

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That's a great 1930s story. Had a good laugh Dee. My Sterling Gris who says, "Hello Gorgeous" has also picked up -sorry from me- "Damn Bird" cause I have been sick (really no excuse) with the flu for about 3 weeks and he took advantage of my poor healthy to not go into his cage when I wanted (flighted birds can be a pain at times), so unfortunately I lost my patience very loudly more than once. Hopefully like Ana Grey's "F--- it", it will go away if it gets no reaction from me and hopefully the other two will not choose to adopt the words (fingers crossed).


I wonder if there are more old articles about this ancient "foul" bird?

Edited by luvparrots
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The article was too funny! Don't worry Gilbert, mom's just kidding! LOL I spent so much time making sure kids didn't teach Sophie bad words. I told them to go into the garage to curse. We all ended up there. I left Sophie with Ryan's friend for a week once, walked in the door, said " Sophie we're home!" She yelled back " SHIT ROM!" I yelled RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took her a couple of weeks to forget that word.Jeffrey was banished from bird sitting. Nancy

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We also have had company who have joked that they were going to teach Gilbert some naughty words to say after they left. I told them, that if he does say it, it will be in your voice and I will know you did it and it is only a thousand miles for me to get to your house, but I will have worked up a pretty good case of "mad" by the time I get there so think twice Mr. Funnyman. LOL. I can just see the gears turning in Gilbert's head if he could understand the zoo rejection for cussing... "Who would want to live in a zoo anyway? Sheeeit."

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