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I realized I was meant to be a "parront" when....


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I realized I was meant to be a parront when tonight after dropping off my Grey Kenzie at my mom's (nana's) house, it was all I could do not to cry as I was driving away. My family and I are going to Disneyland for 5 days and Kenzie will be at Nana's house. I've been taking Kenzie over to my mom's house for a couple of hours a few times this past week. But after giving my mom a list of instructions, I said to her "Man, I feel like I'm leaving my child with you!" We both laughed. I've only had Kenzie since August 26th and definitely didn't want to go on vacation so soon, but I know she'll be in good hands. My mom comes over each morning to help get my kids ready for school since I leave so early, so Kenzie sees her each weekday already. I am so blessed with Kenzie. She's a really good bird, and she rides in the car really well. I usually put her travel kennel in the front seat and either have my fingers through the cage which she'll try and perch on or sit with her head right against, and she is really good. She and I have bonded so much since she came home with us. She's my little love. :o:o:o


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Having a bird was never on my radar. Then a pet store opened in my home town. The owner and I met in a community group and I started going into the store. Well, she had her pet gray, Dorian, in a large cage in the middle of the store and I was immediately drawn to him. As I researched CAGs I began to realize that Dorians life could be a lot better. He was kept in his cage 100% of the time. The only time he was taken out was to have his wings clipped. He was extremely cage territorial and totally afraid of peoples hands. He was the victim of the bone-headed way some people behave toward animals in stores. Also Bev, his owner, was treating him like the Too she had before him, and it was clear to me that he was not benifitting from this treatment. Dorian was extremely high strung and nervous all the time. Also, his water and food didn't get changed on a regular basis, and his cage was filthy. But what could I do, he wasn't mine.


Well, Bev hired me to work a few hours a week in the store and that gave me a chance to work with him one on one. I would change his dishes, clean his cage, sit and talk to him, even open the door when I could do it safely. Then Bev was diagnosed with breast cancer and I, and another friend from the community, took over the store for months while she was treated and recovered. By the time she was up to coming back to the store Dorian didn't want anything to do with her. All he knew was that she vanished from his life, and she didn't have the energy or the will to put in the time and effort to win back his trust. She could see that Dorian had bonded to me, but she wasn't ready to let him go. Then she had another cancer scare (a false alarm this time thank goodness), and she decided to sell the business to the woman who had been keeping it open along with me. I asked if she would consider selling Dorian to me and, after a lot of thought, she agreed. And so that is how DohDoh came to live with me.

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