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Wondering about the safety of harnessed birds.....


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I take my 4-month-old Timneh outside while harnessed about twice a week. He is usually on my shoulder while on a short walk.

I have recently been reading about hawks, other birds of prey attacks on pet birds. Is this something I should be concerned about? I live in Georgia.



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I live in Oklahoma, and we have a lot of hawks (they even feature in our state song). Tragically, one of my friends lost a toy breed dog to a hawk--so there is certainly a threat. It is my understanding however, that a hawk is very unlikely to attack a pet if a human is in close proximity. I doubt a hawk would try to approach if your bird was on your shoulder. Clearly there are no guarantees, but birds of prey have a natural and understandable fear of humans and would prefer to find other prospects. My CAG is not comfortable wearing a harness, but I take her out in a travel cage from time to time when the weather is good. Occassionally I see hawks flying above and get nervous even though Gracie (my CAG) is protected. If she were on a harness I know I'd be very concerned even though logic tells me a hawk wouldn't dare come close to me. I'm 99.99999% sure you have nothing to worry about--but if you are a protective parront like me--you may just never get comfortable with even the slightest risk.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Hey all....I am also in Georgia and can confirm that hawks do not have much fear of humans and will not hesitate to swoop in and snatch prey even in close proximity to people. Like Murfchck, I know several people who have felt the brush of a wing or the wind from a hawks close flight. That said..I do still take Lola out on her harness, I just keep a VERY watchful eye on our surroundings.

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Wow! Thanks for the tips! I am extra cautious with Felix due to what happened to our cockatiel in August. She flew into a tree behind our house (unharnessed, stupidly) and was there until dark. She appeared as if she were tucked in for the night. The next morning at dusk, she had all but vanished. We feel certain that a bird of prey got her that night. She was so tame and loved people and we live in town and feel that she would have approached someone.

Recently, I noticed a large bird circling above our house and began to think how easy it would be for it to swoop down and grab Felix. I did not have him out at that particular time but I began researching birds of prey and what is in our area.

I will definitely be keeping a much more watchful eye with him out.

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Wow! Murfchck---Thank God things worked out. Do you still go out with a your fid in a harness?


Harness or not, if a hawk grabbed him and the end of a harness was reached, i picture talons ripping and things snapping. No we do not chance it, even to the aviary they are in a travel cage. The hawks are smart and watch and wait for that one moment when your distracted.

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