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Grey sympathy


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Okay... i'm rarely sick, so when I am, I make the worst patient. Have had a horrible cold since I got back from vacation. If I'm not working, I'm on the couch with a box of kleenex, Echinachea and Zinc. Sophie knows I'm not feeling well. She walks into family room, coughing and sneezing. Climbs on my shoulder, on Wednesday my day off. She regurg on my pillow, telling me " It's okay!" ( something I always tell her if she is ever scared!)She was with me for the next 12 hours. If I fell asleep, she dug her beak under my left eye, stuck her butt in the air, was quiet as a mouse.She was better than a bowl of chicken soup!

She really made me feel better! I insisted she go to bed that evening. She was hesitant!

It just got me thinking, has anyone had experience where their bird made you feel better whether you were sad, or sick? Nancy

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Aw, Sophie's sweetness will help you get well soon. Gilbert has been a tough sell, but the two times he was gentle and came to me to touch me were both times when I was sick or sad. He not only says "its okay" but he says "sorry". The most poignant moment we have had was when I fell asleep on the sofa and he came and rubbed his beak all over my face like he was blind and feeling his way. Glad that Sophie is comforting you even as she mimicks your coughing and sneezing.

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