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Freya's Antics


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I thought I would start a thread where I can share some antics :D


So... last night we were all set for cuddle time my bf with Ruru and Freya with me... as normal. I decided to check the election results while we were laying there chatting and my phone lit up the room. Freya and Ruru start grumbling. Freya decides she had enough... so she wiggled away from her spot stood on my arm and proceeded to peek and squawk at the phone screen. Not only we were in stitches laughing so hard but come to find out Ruru was also atempting to wiggle away and he was growling and trying to attack my hand. :) Funny that they weren't mad at me but the phone!


Lesson Learned: When cuddle time has commenced no checking the news on the phone that lights up the room :cool:

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Great weekend! First the bf and I got to hang out with a couple of people that are into Falconry. We got to see two hawks (one a redtail... sooo pretty!!!!) hunt for squirel. Now i never thought I would see that up close but it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. The beauty of these birds is amazing! My bf is looking into becoming an apprentice so we got to go. :) We traveled about three hours from home and we always take the birds with us. So Freya and Ruru from the car got to see the hawks and Ruru... i must say I have never seen him SO quiet! Freya and Ruru love our weekends away and their adventures. All weekend at the hotel Freya practiced her short flights and landings. We had many giggles at her expense, like hanging upside down from the curtain.. but hey she was happy she landed! She even managed to misjudge at one point and LAND ON Ruru's back! Who than screamed and went flying to my bf, while we tried not to laugh to hard! Of course she got ALL upset and screamed too.

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  • 1 month later...

Its been a while! Freya is doing great! She is soo funny and I think she knows it! She loves shreeding tissues in the morning while I get ready for work and rolling it into balls. My bf goes what are all these balls in the tub?! Ummm.... Freya's toys? She squeaks when the cat meows.. I dont think she likes him. She has landed on the dog a time or two with an "ohhh" and the dog looking at her like umm whatcha doing?! She loves helping in the kitchen.. well not so much helping as trying to see whats for dinner. :D She has figured out that hanging upside down is the best thing in the world! And she will even swing her self forward on the top of their playpen to hang and swing back up! She is such a strong flyer even with clipped wings. We cant wait to see what she can do once they grow out. :)


Ruru got hurt two weeks back and is finally recovering and acting more himself. We were a little worried we were going to have some bad damage. Him and Freya kinda made peace when this happen and he is finally letting her ask him for scratchs. Though he pecks at her once or twice and has had enough. They are making great progress! Ruru is going to be fine and back to his oldself in no time. Just hopefully minus the biting me part :P


Freya has bitten my bf once and drew some blood. I tried to stop it but I was too late. I am much better at reading her moods and have to ask him to back off sometimes as she is quick. She gets very uppity with him. He calls her his "bad investment" as he is the one who has wanted a Grey forever! They can get along for the most part when I am not home but once mamas is home.... all bets are off and all she wants is me. We are working on it though and she has her moments but not as bad as we were a few weeks ago.


So, we have had our ups and downs over the last month but things are steady. Freya is growing into her own and very confident, which is all we can ask for. She is healthy and happy as is Ruru. Oh our little dove named Pinky is also doing great and has been adopted by our dog Osiris (the only animal or person that can get close without her freaking out!).


We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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