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Emmy & Dutchs Progress


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Emmy never ceases to amaze. For a bird that hasn't been handled at all in AT LEAST 10 years...she's amazing. I really believe someone took very good care of her once. Today, she did something I was told she would never do...she came out of her cage. She will do just about anything for an almond. We went at her pace, and started slow. After about 10 minutes, she came 2 feet out of her cage and sat right beside me. Because of her disabilities, I was using a storage tote for her to walk directly out of her cage onto. She REALLY just wants to be close to me...but at the same time she wants to test me with her beak. Freaks me out..I don't know if she's going to nibble...or bite (lacking trust on my part). So, I just redirect her attention. She walks right up to me and puts her beak down on the tote so I will scritch her neck. I love this special little girl! My grandma was in disbelief when I said I can touch her...I think Emmy and I were meant to be! She also LOVES my iPhone. I believe she thinks it's a toy. :P


Here's a video of the very first time she came out.


All the way out!







Being silly ( I think we look alike here ;) )



We were both very sleepy...but it was a Kodak moment!



Sir Dutch ( Still not loving the camera :( ...but just wanted a quick pic! )



Dutch is coming around too. Not on the level that Emmy is...but there is improvement. He almost never hisses at me, and he will take almonds gently from my hand anytime. He also never stops singing/whistling and talking. I love it. His new phrases are "Have almond?" and "BowchickaWowWow". He almost acts like he is jealous of Emmy and I...but he's too nervous to come over and join us. Maybe in (grey) time....


I feel like the worst fid mom ever for this. Dutch is a clever (and naughty..which usually makes him very entertaining) bird. He figured out how to open his cage door early this morning...which is amazing considering I have a hard time opening it from the outside with my fancy thumbs. Well it wouldn't have usually been an issue...but my dogs happened to be sleeping with me at that time. I woke up to the sound of him squawking. He decided to not only get out of his cage, but to also get on the floor and walk around..I think he was after the bag of almonds. Luckily my rottweiler has no prey drive, and knows what critters are family and what isn't...but my basset hound...not so much. He lost a couple red tail feathers...but nothing major. I think she regretted hunting him down once she got close...not her typical prey she finds in the yard! I am SO THANKFUL that I was there to intervene. I felt(feel) HORRIBLE....but honestly, Dutch wasn't bothered one bit. He just slowly walked back to his cage and started singing his morning song to me (you are my sunshine). I was expecting him to be traumatized....but nope..nothing. My grandma has 5 dachshunds..so maybe he was used to it... I promptly went and bought heavy duty carabiners to secure his cage....lesson learned!

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It sure is nice to see the progress with both these greys, they just needed the right person and they found her, Emmy is starving for some attention and affection so continue to give those scratches, I think you are more afraid of her than she is of you so don't show any fear, be confident when you handle her and see what happens, I bet she will surprise you.

I love the pictures of them coming out and wanting to be close to you, they have been penned up far too long and freedom is sweet.

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You have made great progress in a short time. I would have thought Emmy was just a baby, she is so friendly and coming out for you and all. I am amazed that she is ten and has never been handled. She is amazing me right along with you. Glad Dutch was okay, he was teaching you just how clever he can be to open his cage. He may be behind Emmy in the affection department so far, but I am guessing he was looking for you... or the almonds, and you. LOL. The lock on his cage will help keep him safe when you can't be there to keep him from his own mischief. Six months from now you will be wondering how you lived your life before these two came in to turn it upside down. Great job, thanks for the updates.

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Already have another update!! I'm on vacation from work this week...I have entirely too much time on my hands. Good for the birdies though! Dutch finally approached me...within 8 inches of me, all on his own free will! I think the jealousy of seeing Emmy and I just got to be too much ;) . Emmy, well..she's been ALL OVER me today. She does act like a baby, but my grandma did say she is over 20ys. She was at least 10 when she got her, and she had her for almost 10 years..she's truely amazing! I tucked my fear away and let her test me out. She hasn't bitten me yet...just a couple pinches.


QUESTION! Dutch has pink feathers on the back of his neck...they are pink, not red. Is this a normal mutation? You can see it a bit in the 3rd video.

QUESTION! Do you think hair ties are safe for them to play with?


If you can't view the vids just click the title link to watch on youtube. The video goes white for me when I embed them here...but my computer has a mind of its own today.

This video is not interesting at all, but this was the first time I let HER touch me. She just kept wiping her beak on me...strange girl!



Here's Emmy with a hair tie...she's a clown! I wasn't sure if it was safe to eat...so I did take it away from her. If you think they are safe I'm sure she'd love to play with them!


and here is the elusive Dutch! Sorry about my annoying voice...he likes it!




Dutch (crouching) approaching Emmy and I very cautiously.




Edited by MissOMalley
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Don't let her eat hair ties. I read an article about where the "rubber" came from for some of them and it grossed me out so badly I wouldn't wear hair ties for a year. Try drinking straws. Jakes really likes chewing on them. I made a small toy by cutting 4 of them in half and binding the bunch in the center with zip ties I found at the craft store in the kids craft area. Craft stores with a good small childrens area or teachers stores are wonderful places for beads and toys that are more chew safe.

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Loved the videos! I'll be interested to hear what the people with experience say about Emmy rubbing her beak on you. Timber loves for me to scratch around his beak, and I was wondering if that is what she was after. It may be some behavior that has meaning though, and if so someone who knows will say so. I'd say you are correct about Dutch wanting to get into the action! Timber has one feather of similar color on his neck. I believe someone said that was like a "birthmark" on a person.

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Don't let her eat hair ties. I read an article about where the "rubber" came from for some of them and it grossed me out so badly I wouldn't wear hair ties for a year. Try drinking straws. Jakes really likes chewing on them. I made a small toy by cutting 4 of them in half and binding the bunch in the center with zip ties I found at the craft store in the kids craft area. Craft stores with a good small childrens area or teachers stores are wonderful places for beads and toys that are more chew safe.


Thank you! I was afraid of that!!

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Loved the videos! I'll be interested to hear what the people with experience say about Emmy rubbing her beak on you. Timber loves for me to scratch around his beak, and I was wondering if that is what she was after. It may be some behavior that has meaning though, and if so someone who knows will say so. I'd say you are correct about Dutch wanting to get into the action! Timber has one feather of similar color on his neck. I believe someone said that was like a "birthmark" on a person.


Yes, i am interested in any insight about her beak rubbing behaviour. I hope it wasnt mating related. She has been doing her sexy dance constantly lately. Glad to know Dutch isnt the only one with pink feathers. I think its kinda cute on him!

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Love, love, love your videos. It is hard to tell what Emmy was doing with touching your hand (I had the hardest time recognizing what she had... LOL. finally realized you had your fingers tucked, good thinking). She may be trying to coax your fingers out for a scratch on her head. I did see her doing just a little swaying and subtle head pumps that could be the beginning of her mating dance. Time will tell. Can you believe that Dutch? He really does want to join you for a little of what Emmy is enjoying. You are one lucky rehome for both your sake and for theirs, they are doing beautifully with you. I was also trying to get a look to see if you were using a quilt for padding their little feet on the table. That would please me to no end since I am a quilter. I couldn't get enough of how Emmy can balance herself without toes and how she has just enough nubs on her left foot to manipulate small objects. I don't know anything about hair ties, but I may have to tell my daughter to look that up because her cat will do anything to get one. I don't think I want to know. LOL. I was wondering about a ring from a gallon of milk, it is about the same size as a hair tie. If I wasn't there to watch her with it, I would give her one that I cut through so she couldn't get it over her head and feel trapped and scared. I am in awe of how beautifully they are both settling in with you.

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Love, love, love your videos. It is hard to tell what Emmy was doing with touching your hand (I had the hardest time recognizing what she had... LOL. finally realized you had your fingers tucked, good thinking). She may be trying to coax your fingers out for a scratch on her head. I did see her doing just a little swaying and subtle head pumps that could be the beginning of her mating dance. Time will tell. Can you believe that Dutch? He really does want to join you for a little of what Emmy is enjoying. You are one lucky rehome for both your sake and for theirs, they are doing beautifully with you. I was also trying to get a look to see if you were using a quilt for padding their little feet on the table. That would please me to no end since I am a quilter. I couldn't get enough of how Emmy can balance herself without toes and how she has just enough nubs on her left foot to manipulate small objects. I don't know anything about hair ties, but I may have to tell my daughter to look that up because her cat will do anything to get one. I don't think I want to know. LOL. I was wondering about a ring from a gallon of milk, it is about the same size as a hair tie. If I wasn't there to watch her with it, I would give her one that I cut through so she couldn't get it over her head and feel trapped and scared. I am in awe of how beautifully they are both settling in with you.


Thank you! I was wondering what the neck pumps were all about. She does that a lot when my iphone is near....hmmmmm. Yes, my cat Sookie is bananas about hair ties. The milk ring is an excellent idea! It would probably be a more effective scratcher too! That is indeed a quilt...but not a good one. Its a cheapo walmart one and the animals have claimed it. Ive been looking for a nice HEAVY quilt...but havent been able to find one heavy enough with a pattern I like. My mama keeps saying she wants to learn, but it just never happens.

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The beak rubbing on your fist is just Emmy asking for a tickle or whatever it is you do rub/tickle. My two greys do this when they are cuddling or wanting a tickle. They do say "tickle, tickle" so of course it is easy for me to know that. Just a thought, if you have any colored plastic straws they make great toys for parrots. My three love them so I tie them together in the middle and hang them around their perches. Great inexpensive toys and a piece of plastic straw would probably be a great scratcher for Emmy.

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Emmys behaviour has been a bit odd lately. The other day she was cuddeling like a cockatoo. She curled up in bed with me in the crook of my arm and slept for hours while i scratched her head.The past 2 days she doesnt seem interested in being scratched...she rubs her beak on me, but when i scratch her she dodges my fingers and walks away. Shes also been doing the mating dance a lot. Ive been trying to make sure all lights are out by the time the sun goes down, and keeping them off until morning but she still wakes me up all hours with her mating noises. I do not encouage this behaviour, i usually leave the room. I am starting to wonder if she is directing these calls at Dutch. Last night during play time, she wasnt interested in playing with her favorite toys, me, whistling or anything...she just sat close to Dutchs cage , staring with her feathers fluffed. She almost always fluffs up when hes around..she seems very nervous around him. Once she was back in her cage he came over and was hanging from the outside ...they kept smacking their beaks together...didnt seem aggressive or violent though. Dutch also started to do the mating dance briefly when he was close.


I still cant touch Dutch... I feel like we are getting close. He approaches me when im close to or in his cage, but never touches me. He walks away if i extend a hand/finger/arm to him. He does try test me with his beak through the bars...but backs away before he gets too close. It can be difficult getting him back in his cage since he wont step up. Ive tried using a perch for him to step up...that just scares him more.


I also find it a challenge to move Emmy around. She cant step up to my arm, as she has no toes and cant balance very well.The best ive been able to do is coax her to stand on a 12inch ceramic tile, then pick up the tile and move her. This freaks her out a little, but shes getting used to it. She still wont let me pick her up with my hands in any way.


Emmy snuggling.



I am not sure what she is doing here. Its almost like shes trying to dig.

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The tile sounds like a great idea for Emmy. Don't you just love the cuddly times? As for Dutch, I assume you are touching his beak and feet through the bars when he comes over to you? That's what I did with Timber when I first got him and couldn't touch or handle him in any way. It shows them that you aren't going to hurt them and gets them used to your touch.

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The tile sounds like a great idea for Emmy. Don't you just love the cuddly times? As for Dutch, I assume you are touching his beak and feet through the bars when he comes over to you? That's what I did with Timber when I first got him and couldn't touch or handle him in any way. It shows them that you aren't going to hurt them and gets them used to your touch.


Yes, i do try , but he is very fast to runaway from me!

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When Emmy is digging on the blankets she reminds me of what I have seen about the parrots excavating a tree trunk to make a nest. With her love calls and with the love, attention, safety and bounty she has found in her new home, it would not surprise me a bit if she were to lay some eggs. I really don't know anything about this, I am just guessing and wondering out loud. As far as moving Emmy, I wonder if you found sort of a flat basket with a handle, you could line it with fleece and offer it to her with some name or label that lets her know she is "going" somewhere and give her a lift that way. Since Dutch flies and goes pretty much where he wants, and because they are so new to you and uncertain, I wonder if it will work well for him to ask him to go inside his cage and to give him a treat every time. That is what we did with Gilbert and he gets really excited now when we say night night, or if I say I have to "go" somewhere. As soon as he hears those cues, he is scuttling inside making happy sounds because he will get an almond in the shell and it is a favorite treat... bribe or whatever. Having read and heard how difficult it is to get a pair of greys to choose to "partner", it would be quite a story if Dutch and Emmy are love interests after living so long together in the same home but not being housed as a set of breeders. I would hesitate to encourage that because they both could distance themselves from humans if they get together as a mating couple. I wouldn't know how to discourage such a thing though other than keeping them somewhat separate. That would be quite an issue. We read often where people want their greys to bond and mate and they don't have a connection. Quite the opposite if that is what Dutch and Emmy are doing. They are both doing so well in your care, I think you can handle anything that comes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while since I have updated. Really, there hasn't been much change. Emmy is much more comfortable with me than Dutch. She likes to curl up beside me or walk around on me while I'm laying down. Some days she wants scratches, other days she walks away. It is a lot of work to keep her cage clean! She does climb up the sides, but shows no interest in using the levels we put in to get her off the bottom. She basically just hangs out at the bottom of her cage. I have to put in new blankets and towels everyday to keep her from walking in her poo. I can't really think of any other sanitary solution. :/ Since she can't balance on my arm or anything, we are still using a tile to move her around. She does great with that...she steps right up on it when I put it down. She's still doing her mating dance every morning(between 3a-8am off and on). I've tried the light restriction method with no luck. Hopefully in time she will settle!! She is so curious and almost fearless! I can put anything in front of her and she runs right up to it to check it out!


Dutch is a talker!! He's constantly talking and singing. We have the night night routine down. When I say "go to bed, get in your cage" he rushes in so I'll give him a peanut. Then he tells me "Goodnight , Nightnight, love you, night..." until I cover him up and turn out the lights! I still can't handle him :( He will come right up to me and get very close, but he will not let me out stretch my hand, arm or fingers to him. He immediately fluffs up and backs away. He does not respond well when offered a perch or stick to step up on. He's making progress, just very slowly. I still try rubbing his beak through the cage bars..sometimes he will let me..most of the time not. He really seems to have a fear of hands and arms. He will take a treat from my fingers, but not from the palm or back of my hand. I just wanna cuddle them both like a TOO, but I know that will most likely never happen.


We have been unsuccessful in transitioning to pellets. I've tried Roudybush, Zupreem naturals, Nutblend and even a little fruitblend just for kicks. They both throw in out of their cage. I tried the slow transition, offering pellets in the morning and even tried mixing with various juices and oats. They were once on pellets, just not in the last 5 or so years. The only thing they will eat in Higgins cockatiel seed. It seems like just pick out the safflower seeds. Most of it is so small and they never crack them open. I'm afraid they aren't getting what they need. I offer them a salad every day. They can eat most of the same things as my bearded dragon lizard so it's convenient! Neither will touch any greens, collard, kale...nothing. Dutch LOVES butternut squash. They will both eat grapes and apples....and that's it! I think we will try Harrisons and the bird bread next! I'm not giving up!


That's about it...really nothing very interesting. I've attached a couple recent photos!


Emmy..Don't worry, I didn't let her really eat any of it. She really wanted to though!



Emmy napping with me



Sir Dutch!



Dutch...he looks quite proud of himself huh!?



Silly Emmy!


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Emmy is quite a doll baby, she has been the easy one but Dutch will come around one day, maybe not in the near future but he will need work. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't push him.

About the spaghetti she could have some of it with a little sauce sticking to it but not the other stuff on the plate especially the onion I saw on it, my grey loves spaghetti or most any kind of pasta.

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Great update on Emmy and Dutch. I had a hard time getting my three to like vegetables until I got a Proctor Silex Food Chopper and starting fine chopping their veggies. They seem to like finely chopped veggies. Dutch sounds like my re-homed zon, Louie whom I have had since he was 1 1/2. He is now almost 5. We are still working on trust. Louie will follow me around and go in and out of his cage as I ask, perhaps it is all I can ask. I love he too pieces and he is the favorite of my family, go figure!

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