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At 6 o'clock this evening I brought home a year and a half year old male Congo African Grey parrot named Kahzi. I transported him in a small dog transportation crate and he growls at me when I attempt to pull him out. I also brought home his original cage. I set up his cage and put the dog crate (with kahzi inside) open facing the opening of his cage. Kahzi can see his cage and ladder to climb up but has been in the dog crate for 4 hours without making an attempt to leave the open dog crate and I am growing worried. Is there something that I should do?



Thank you for reading my post, your wisdom and input are very appreciated.

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He is in an all new to him environment so may be scared but put the crate close to the open door of his cage and see if he will go from one to the other without having to handle him, it will be much less stressful for him then give him some time to settle down before you open the cage to allow him to come out if he wants, in time he will. Don't worry too much about him growling at you right now, its to be expected, just give him plenty of time and be patient with him as he gets used to his new home.

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Just relax and Kahzi will come out when he is more comfortable. Is the cage up level with the open door? Kahzi is more likely to go comfortably into his cage if he can see the opening in front of him. Perhaps having his favorite foods in his cage will tempt him more quickly to go inside. Gaining trust is the first thing to do, so just relax and Kahzi will come out when he is ready. Patience..... so hard to do, but so important.

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Thank you so much for your comments. This morning when I came home from class I found him safely in his cage. I think I get a little over anxious about him : )


I have been spending alot of time with him speaking softly and sweetly with his cage closed and have not made any attempts to touch/harass him, when do you estimate I should begin leaving his cage open while I am home?

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When your new friend starts showing signs of wanting to be with you. Coming to the side of the cage that you are at. Watching your movements and going towards you. When Kahzi is ready he will let you know. Just be patient. Is Kahzi a talker? Are you using some of the phrases he knows and is he talking to you?

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