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Best & Easiest Cage Cleaning Method


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I am short on time these days, and am looking for the fastest and easiest way to clean my 5 cages. No chemicals please. I have no problem cleaning the poop and dried food off, but would like some quick disinfectant ideas. Also step by step instructions.......:)


Thank you in advance!!

:o :cool:

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Hi, our old stand by is vinegar water, in your case you can use your water system, just warm it and scrub, rinse, all your birds and pets can be in the same room, After cleaning, fill one spray bottle wit your water, and one with hydrogen peroxide, spray cage with one than the other, doesn't mater which way you spray, let air dry..For those that don't have a water system like yours, just use white vinegar.....

The vinegar/peroxide is a fantastic disinfectant.........

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If your keen on it being totally chemical free how about a steam cleaner like they use on bathroom tiles / kitchens? Basically just hot steam jet with a high enough temperature to kill any nasties and makes dried poop and caked food really easy to remove. Quick wipe down afterwards just to make sure it's totally dried and whilst your doing that it's cooling enough to make it bird safe.... just a thought....

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  DizzyBlue said:
If your keen on it being totally chemical free how about a steam cleaner like they use on bathroom tiles / kitchens? Basically just hot steam jet with a high enough temperature to kill any nasties and makes dried poop and caked food really easy to remove. Quick wipe down afterwards just to make sure it's totally dried and whilst your doing that it's cooling enough to make it bird safe.... just a thought....


I have been very interested in a steam cleaner, but I have never witness the use of one and am wondering if it is messy.....that is the reason I have not purchased one yet right now, I spray a high alkaline water on them and use a scrubby pad......I can disinfect with 2.5 acid water, but I don't like to,use it as it had to be wiped down and dried or it will corrode the bars, so I rarely use it.

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I hope admin don't mind me posting this link to a utube video but it's just a demo of a steam cleaner being used on a parrot cage. Ok steam cleaners come in all shapes and sizes and this clip is over a year old but you'll get the jist of how it works etc obviously your bird should never be in the cage when your cleaning it with one of these just in case anybody is confussed about it's use.

hope the clip helps you :)
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