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Dramatic change in behavior


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Ok, so Charlie has been with us for 2 weeks now. He is chattering up a storm, seems very comfortable with all of us, lets us scratch his head, steps up very well, all good signs. A few days ago he began grinding his beak a lot. Then we began to notice that he was missing more small feathers. (he had a plucking issue at one time, before we got him, but worked past it), and now today he became pretty aggressive at times. He has actually bit my wife a couple of times today, and my son asked for a kiss and Charlie head butted him. He then puffed up, lowered his head and spread his wings out like he was going to attack.


He has a ton of toys that he can play with. Other than times that we are not home, he is free to be in or out of his cage as pleases. My wife gives him a TON of attention, and I give as much as I can when I'm home. He is for sure not going hungry, he has his choice of veggies, fruits sometimes, and a seed/dried fruit mix available all the time.


I'm kind of at a loss. Nothing has really changed in his environment since this began. We give him the same amount of attention or more.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. We really love him, but we'd like for him to love us too, or at least act like he likes us.

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Hey there :) Im going to only answer with what I know I am by far NO expert however ... I have had Marco now for almost 9mos and she is almost 1 YEAH!!!!!!!!


So first of all ... youve only had your baby for 2 weeks the first word I think they teach you here is "PATIENCE". You need to move at Charlies speed and that takes time. So much has happened already, give him time :) you got lots of years with him.


Secondly Ive learned that these birds typically bond with either another bird or a human. Sadly as that is, the "other" people in your house will have to learn to accept that they might not be the one to always handle Charlie. This doesnt mean there cant be interaction between them however. :D


And lastly ............... READ THE WARNING SIGNS your bird is giving you before someone gets bit!!!! especially if he is head butting, puffin up, lowering his head or even growling!!! My children are prime example (they are 19 & 18) Marco is bonded with me, tolerates hubby and hes able to handle her just fine but she'll nip at him but he doesnt give up, hes always talking with her and playing with her and handling her and shes accepted that however she always keeps an eye on me when he has her (which i think is cute) :o but my children.... they havent tried at all to create a bond with her and just go over and think they can just pick her up cuz shes a "bird" and shes definately lets them know that aint gonna happen.


So I tell you that not to discourage you :) but to tell you that its going to take time and time and time and 2 weeks aint nothing! Let your baby settle in, learn your schedule. Marcos cage is loaded with toys and she has boxes of foot toys when shes on the ground to play with. Toys that are shreddable that make a mess and others that dont. You'll find what works best for you and find that balance just dont give up! :) sounds like you are doing all the right things ...just give it time.

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I would agree with Aerial...2 weeks is nothing. The honeymoon, as they say, is over. Charlie has encountered a whole new life with you and needs time to figure it all out. As for the plucking, don't worry about it..worrying won't help. The stress of finding a new forever home with a bunch of new people is enough to cause anyone to pluck a bit. I guess you might think of it like nervous nail biting or hair twisting. Shadow, my CAG recently went through a tough time here with us..I was freaking out because it looked like she was plucking. After posting here for support, I sat back and realized I was completely stressed out by a huge event happening at my house that she was stressed too! I suppose she figured if I was worrying about something, she needed to be worried too. Flock mentality. I am no expert as Shadow has only been here for a little over a year but we are still learning to trust each other and our relationship is better all the time. What I can say for sure, from experience, sit back, relax and the relationship will come. Grey time functions on a completely different clock/calendar!

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He is doing better. Not sure what his deal was, but he hasn't done it in the last couple of days. On the other hand, his vocabulary has expanded, or at least been revealed to us, much more in the last couple of days. We count at least 150 words so far, most of them in phrases, and timed correctly to fit with the conversations going on around him.

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