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Thanks Timbersmom. I think Simon's adjusting. I still feel a little sad about trimming him, but it really has alleviated a lot of the stress we were all feeling about his increasing aggression and unpredictable behaviour. All the people and pets were becoming scared of him....except for Oboe the lovebird, who saw him as his partner in crime, and who loved flying with him.

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I really like your vets advice on your needing to give Simon more to do when out of his cage. He needs a job or a purpose if you will. Working for food, climbing, exploring and manipulating things will keep him happy and out of mischief.

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Yes, she said lots of people provide their parrots with foraging opportunities in their cages, but it's more important that they can forage outside of their cages. I didn't know that. She suggested starting with a bowl full of river rocks on the coffee table, with treats hidden in amongst the rocks. He'll have to move the rocks to find the treats. She said that'll keep him busy and out of trouble, while providing lots of stimulation and mimicking the natural environment.

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I bought some treat boxes that I poked holes in and stuffed with paper shreds and a treat. I've got pine boxes and buckets full of foot toys that I hide a nut in every now and again, I chop pomegranites in quarters and place a quarter in a bowl on the table or I'll place a whole artichoke with just the top chopped off on the table. Those finger lock tubes we played with as kids can be stuffed with pieces of spray millet and paper shreds. In the toy room someone suggested using the large pasta varieties like jumbo shells or manicotti.

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Zoom... I apologize. I didn't mean like it sounded. I am in TOTAL agreement with you to trim at this time.They do tend to be more quiet for a few days. Once Simon seems more settled,begin some training. I agree that birds focus more when they are trimmed. I did so during the terrible twos. Simon should still be able to fly, just limited. Keep an eye on that. You don't want a bad trim, but I love what your vet has to say. Ps... You are a GREAT mama and Simon knows this. Nancy

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