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Long Time...Where's Isaac


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Hello all. Accept my apologies for such a lengthy absence. Lots of things have been occupying me and I have been neglecting to come enjoy all my friends here along with all the bird talk. I am here now reading through some of the posts and to tell you how things are going with Isaac.


I can assure you that we are still quite inseperable. :D The other day, I heard him say 'peek-a-boo' as he waddled around a corner to come see me. I love it when he plays peek-a-boo. Later that night, I tried something else. I just put my hands in front of my face...then show him my face with a big smile and say 'peek-a-booooo!'. Then I covered up again....showed him my face with a big smile and waited. After a little pause he says, "Peekabooo!" And I was laughing my butt off. Then I repeated it another couple of times and it was great fun. That was the best peek-a-boo game that I had ever gotten going with him. He was adoreable. He also whistles with vibrato now. LOL. He gets his own notes going too. Like random whistling.


I enjoy evenings with him sitting on my knee watching TV or a movie. He lets me get some good scratches...I wonder if he knows what a privilage it is for me to scratch his little neck. I love it when he lets his eyes close and really enjoys a good head scratchin'.


One thing is for sure...you can;t leave anything on the counter...man...I have messed up so many times this week and it drove me crazy. Thing is, any open container is ripe for the tipping if I am to walk away and lose conciousness of the fact that it's there for even 10 seconds. This happened with a seed container, cereal container, water cup, etc....this week was a doozey. LOL. I can look back and laugh now...but oh how it burns when I slip up. It's like a running game Isaac holds me accountable for....I think he likes to see me work as a result of something he did. I am not always amused. ;)


Poop is a plenty. I am sure that you are all suprised. Yep, he poops a lot.You ever have one of those days....even though you've had your bird for maybe years....it still hits you...."Oh my goodness...you poop...so friggin much." They get on a roll sometimes...mostly when he is excited I guess. Right now he is preening and I haven't seen but one every 20 mins or so. Okay...enough poop study.


He's always a great friend to come home to. As always, he ends up capturing my heart each time I look at those inquisitive eyes staring back at me. I am going to go read some more posts and comment if I can help. Chat with you all soon. :o

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It is always a pleasure to hear from you and Isaac. Right when you think you are lulled into a routine, Isaac will trip you up and learn a new way to thwart your efforts to keep the countertops clear and I am sure many many other ways he finds to get into mischief. I love the peek a boo game you play with him and how he melts your heart with his interactions with you. Even when you are not amused with the clean up efforts, I bet he finds a way to make you smile anyway.

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Thanks for coming and reading about me and my lil guy and I will be back more often. He really is an amazing character. I am backing up my pictures and videos today and i will see if I can find something interesting to post later. I hope everyone is loving their little feathered friends too.

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