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Trick or Treat!!


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I have a cold and lots of halloween candy. I put the candy bowl on the porch. The kids still ran the doorbell! Had to explain over and over to parents and kids that I had a cold and didn't want to make anyone sick so I hadn't and didn't want to touch the candy. Parents were grateful, kids kept trying to take more than one and the parents kept saying only one, only one! Happy Halloween Everyone!!!! CatBlackOnJack.gif

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Thanks all!! It's really quiet here on Halloween also, too far out in the country. But Biscotti had a great time saying "Trick or Treat" on & off all day yesterday. How did he know? Maybe he was hearing it on the TV? It is in his usual jabbering but only comes out once in awhile, I must have heard it 100 times yesterday! I have not heard it at all today. Eerie!


Timbersmom- he was in his favorite "Red Bootied Jungle Chicken" costume :)

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Biscotti brings smiles across the miles. He is so darn cute with his pumpkin. Love that he remembered his "trick or treat" and knew when to use it! I have to admit that the sound effects from Bubba and Bongo might have sent me running and dialing 911. "Suuuure you've got a parrot in that house." LOL. And Corky is always thinking!

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When I got home the other evening, there was a lady on my porch. I didn't know her, and she was explaining why she had stopped by (fundraiser). Timber could hear me on the porch. As soon as I get out of the car, I hear him whistling. Anyway, I guess he got tired of waiting for me to get inside and started running through his repertoire of noises (whistles, clicks, beeps, squeals). As you all know, they can get LOUD. The lady's head kept swiveling around and she finally said "what on earth is that?" Ha. "Just my bird," says I. Hopefully she will pass the word to fellow sales/fundraiser types to avoid that house on the corner...

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