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Freya's Momma :)

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Hi Everyone,


My name is Kristal. :) Well, I moved in about a month and half ago with my boyfriend Ramsey and combined our dogs, my cat and his quaker. He has a Husky named Osiris and I have a great dane mix named Athena and my cat Jester. He has had his quaker Ruru for 8 years and has always wanted a Grey... I have never been around birds... well... i figured I would like a bird that actually LIKES me soooo we got our new baby Grey about three weeks ago. :) Her name is Freya. We are all adjusting to each other fine. Ruru finally doesnt attack me everytime he sees me.. LOL.. and is actually letting me pet him on his terms of course, which I am fine with. :) I think is is jealous of the attention Freya gets from me.


Freya didnt take to me right away as I was unsure of myself and my boyfriend had WAY more expeince with birds and how to handle them. I was scare she would be fragile and really worried she would bond to only my boyfriend! Well... fast forward a few weeks and me getting over my fear and if she didnt like me so be it.....


Freya cracks us up daily! For only being 4 months old she has a big personality and is really coming out on her own. She seems to have taken to me pretty well and loves to talk (trying anyways) and sing in the morning when i get ready (we listen to the radio and she loves it) and when I get home. She doesnt sing in front of my boyfriend the way she does with me- think its mostly because of Ruru and his relationship. I have taken an active roll in making sure she is included and told what I am doing no matter what the task is as I have read they love being talked to. She is doing much better at flying (her wings are clipped at the moment, we are going to let them grow out), there isnt as much flying full force into walls or missing her target ALL together! She is learning to turn and direct herself - its been fun to watch!


We are both looking forward to seeing her grow and learn with us... I am so happy to have her in our lifes and cant wait to see the funny things she is sure to do in the future. :D


I have been reading from the site for a couple of weeks and when we have a question i say: Let me check! and I run right here as someone has to have gone through what we are. :) So, thanks for all the great posts and looking forward sharing with you all! I will get a picture of Freya and Ruru in the next few days. :)

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Hello Kristal and welcome to our family.

We are so glad you could come and join us and I love it that you gave quite a detailed introduction, that will help us get to know you better.

I don't doubt that you probably found the answers to your questions just by browsing thru the forum threads as most questions have been asked before but it looks like you all are on the right track and getting to where you want to be with these two birds.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of Ruru and Freya but I assume that is them in your avatar, lovely looking birds.

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Hi Kristal, welcome to the forum. What a great introduction to you and Freya and your extended family. I saw your post on another thread about getting Freya to like Ramsey a little more and you are making a good start. When we had our first baby bird experience, she was lovely with all of us at first, grew to recognize I was the one home all the time doing the feeding and care and we naturally got to know each other better and she started biting everyone else and being a bit of a toot. What we did was to work one at a time with our other family members giving her treats, opening her cage to let her out and things that made her happy. There was one holdout with a college aged daughter that Java was on an all out seek and destroy mission. That one took a little longer. When she would come home from school, we would leave the room and have Kelsey be the one to go back with a step up perch at first to "rescue" her and bring her to join the flock. It took a long long time but now any of us can handle her. She tolerates the rest of the family, she adores me, so one of the things I do is to be sure not to lavish attention on someone else where Java can see me. If my husband sits next to me on the sofa, Java has been known to pierce his nostril. We are conscious of her limitations and don't provoke her and she rewards us by being sweet to all, but again, it took a long time. Our rehomed grey is going back and forth between being my buddy, to being my daughter's love, to being my husband's buddy. He seems to only want to be special with one person at a time but that changes with our life flow. He does tolerate the rest of the family when he is doting on his one special person but it is with disdain and an occasional bite. it hurts a little to be the rejected one, be compassionate because a few months from now that could be you. Another thing that seemed to help when Java in particular was nasty to Kelsey, we all chastised her and she had to go back in her cage for a two minute time out and we all left the room to emphasize that the flock sticks together. It did not last long, but it had an impression over a few repetitions.

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Thanks Katana... :) We get our time together in the morning and when i cook dinner she is all kinda of interested so I talk to her a lot. He is use to his bird that isnt as curious as Freya, who wants to know everything you are doing. I have been directing him to include her in what he is doing and explain it to her. He can handle her.. she steps up just doesnt like being loved on by him. I told him to back off a bit and go slower, he went at her like he does with his other bird and I think he invaded her space to quickly. Yes, I have now told him that he may just have a different relationship with her than I do.. example: I came home last night and she got all excited to see me.. singing, flapping her wings, cooing, flew into the kitchen when i went there... he goes wow she doesnt do that for me! I fully expect it to be me being rejected soon as Ramsey is getting a bunch of time off coming up soon. So, i am very compassionate because I see me being on the other end soon! We will do that when she gets really nasty give her a "time out." I understand the lavishing attention on someone.. his bird still attacks me when we get to lovey in front of him. Thanks for the experience you shared! :)

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I know what you mean about the delighted welcome when you come home. I am on the other end of that one recently. I am home most of the time and if I go out and come back, no one seems to take notice, but boy howdy when daddy comes home the place is in an uproar. The dogs get excited, the parrots get excited and he gets a heroes welcome, LOL. Gilbert may stay in his cage all day but when David comes in the door, he comes out and talks and flaps his wings and shows a genuine enthusiasm. It does change over time, but for the most part he is really interested in getting closer to David. It is really sweet and endearing. I tell him it is because I am teaching them to make a fuss over him coming home, when we hear the garage door opening, I am the first one there wagging my tail, LOL. It does go through phases and Freya will grow to find special ways to share time with each of you. I really love your avatar, my two have never gotten that close for such a sweet photo.

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