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No power


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Not sure how long it will be out. I will prob have to go to work tomorrow and can't leave Neytiri alone at home all day. It was too cool for her. I have her with me at my husbands office right now in her carrier but its too small to keep her in. I don't know what to do and I'm stressed out.



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My power just came back on after going out last night during the night, the house was already warm so it took a while for it to cool down but this morning when I got up it was in the lower 60s in the family room where my 3 birds are, I immediately started a fire in the fireplace and now it is over 70 in that room while the rest of the house will take a little while to get back to being what they were last night. We had lots of wind but not a lot of rain, had some snow showers and sleet but the sun is trying to come out and the mountain range I see to my north is snow covered.

I am sure Neytiri is fine in that small cage, at least she is warm and with you which is much better than being at home alone and cold. I took a day off today to stay home and keep my birdies warm but now that the power is back on they will be fine again, enjoy the bonding time this provides.

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Yes it sucks but you do what you have to for she can't take the cold like we can, we just put on a coat or wrap ourselves up in a blanket and are ok but she is a tropical bird. Maybe you should look into getting some kind of alternative heat source for the next time this happens for there will always be times the power will be out for whatever reason, makes me glad I have 2 fireplaces and a woodstove.

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You must live in town, I live out in the country and its common for us to be out if bad weather hits, I was out for over 4 days in June when we had that derecho and most anytime the wind gets bad we can expect to lose our power so we have alternate heating just in case but do the best you can and hopefully your power will be restored soon.

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Hope your power is turned back on soon. If your power is still off you might check with your vet's office to see if they have power, maybe she could go to boarding there. Also, if it helps any, Gilbert has a backpack that seems really small, but he has stayed in it happily for over a week at a time when we traveled. He likes a small space and he didn't chew it, so maybe we just got lucky. Also, in a crisis like this with no electricity, even a small wire dog crate would be an alternative if you could borrow one.

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I hope your wrist heals quickly. I was just thinking the other day that someone with a bleeding disorder or someone who heals slowly probably shouldn't own a bird! Ha.


Not true Timbersmom, I have taken anticoagulants for over thirty years and therefore bleed and bruise very easily and must take penicillin even if I just go to the dentist to prevent infections. Clotting is a problem for me because of my meds. I still wanted and got my three parrots. But in their defense and on their behalf they are not biters. Correction, Louie the zon is but he never breaks the skin. Life and happiness will not be stopped because of a little set back. We just boogie on!

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sassy, I am sorry you don't have power. That was quite a storm. I would see if anyone at your work or neighbors has anything you can use that is bigger. If not obvioiusly keep up the blankets and I agree, try not to stress as they will be able to sense this from you. I am in Central New York and we were expecting alot of wind and rain, thankfully we did not get hit hard like others. Good luck to you and hopefully everyone is safe in your area.

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