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Hello Jim and welcome to our family.

When you say PO I am assuming you are talking about the Post Office so she spent quite a bit of time being greeted by your patrons and I bet she loved all the attention she received so yes I guess to a lot of people who patronized the Post Office did get to know her well.

That was a short introduction so why not tell us more about yourself and Honey, please include pictures if you have any you would share with us.

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I bought Honey as an egg and helped hand raise her. I was the Postmaster of numerous cities in the Coachella Valley. She always lived at the Post Office. The whole community knows her. She was part of my swearing in at the Indio Post Office which was attended by Congresswoman Mary Bono. Because of the customers she is Bi-Lingual. I retired young so she is home with me now and happy as pie

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