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Occasional Biting behavior - strange


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Hello again - It has been a long time since I've posted on the forum. Tobie is 5years and 5 months old now. Seems like no time ago he was just a baby. Tobie is a sweet and engaging bird who allows me to rub his head and put on a harness and has never bitten me in an aggressive way - until now. Three mornings (about a week or 10 days apart) he has displayed abnormal behavior. The routine is to open his cage door when I get up in the morning and remove the bowls from his cage to fill them and change the paper. All the time chatting back and forth. These mornings I open the cage door and Tobie runs from one side of the cage to the other kind of frantically. He hangs out as far as he can reach toward me until I go to the other side of the cage to get the other bowls and does the same. So I assumed he wanted to come to me. When I present my hand he not only bites it, but grabs my finger and see saws his beak as if the beak didn't penetrate the skin to suit him. now to keep from flinging the bird off the cage I tried to gently disengage the foot from my finger and pull free only to get my other hand bitten. Totally confused by his behavior I proceeded to remove the paper from the cage only to have him peck my head and grab my hair which he hung onto. My look must have been pretty scary because he put it in reverse and scrambled as fast as he could into the cage and I shut the door. An hour later I opened the door and he was all puffed up and soft and stepped up on my hand as if nothing ever happened and was sweet the rest of the week . Same senario a week or so later. I opened the cage and proceeded to remove the bowl and had to be quick because he was attacking my hand (and the bowls if I put them between my hand and the bird). I had to use a dowel but did get the bird in the cage and an hour later let an entirely sweet and snuggly little bird out of the cage. Same thing about 10 days later. Now it has been a week and this jeckle and hyde behavior has not reoccurred. I wonder if he is protecting his cage like a nest site and it is triggered by my removing his bowels or even just my presence. Is he becoming a teenager or hormonal or something. Should I be doing something?

Edited by Janfromboone
I think I maybe should have posted this on the bite me club so I'll copy and post it there as well
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