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Cute Stories Of Your Grey


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Wow, isn't it great that the first word he said is love, I'm sure that made you so happy. Karma for you for being a good lady & taking care of Merlin.

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  • 4 months later...

My grey is new so I dont really have many cute stories yet, she's becoming a little terror though lol. Like she will start biting the button or zip on my top, I will eventually say 'Clëo no!' if she continues I say 'Right back to your cage now' and then she immediately flies over to the top of her cage and starts whilstling and bouncing about as if to say 'You'll have to catch me first!'


Also she's gotten into the habit of knowing where I make her tea (dont worry, it's decaf and a treat ;)) so whenever I make dinner in that spot, she immediately flies over to my head and starts making all kinds of noises getting really excited. silly clëo

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These stories are awesome! I wonder if this would make a good coffee table book along with pictures!


Bella jabbers - Bella jabbers ALL THE TIME! But she seems to pick up all the little noises I make and I'm not even aware of.


I didn't realize that when I want the dogs to get out of the way I say "Beep Beep". Well Bella picked up on that and now she runs around saying "Beep Beep" to everything :laugh: It sounds really funny!


So we've started calling her Beep Beep:P My male greyhound is beige, maybe he'd make a good cayote impersonation and we'd have the Road Runner cartoon going on :laugh:

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Nychsa - that would be a hilarious video if you could get it on film!


I wanted to add another cute tale that happened just the other day. Normally when I open up Athena's cage I'll reach in and take her out. But I was busy the other day, making dinner or something, so I just opened the top part where she likes to sit, figuring she'd come out on her own. She became very indignant -squawking, jumping on the sides of her cage - obviously, she had not counted on having to actually work to get out of her cage! Thinking this would be a good opportunity for her to figure it out on her own, I went to the kitchen and started encouraging her to "come on."


Finally, huffing and puffing, squawking and squeaking, she pulled herself up onto her perch shelf and scrambled to the edge. Then she promptly fluffed up and said "Good bird!"

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Awww zandische, mine doesnt talk yet, i cant imagine the things she'd come with. athena sounds lovely!


and they certainly are like kids dan, but i dont think you could shut up a two year old by putting a cover over them :pinch:


hehe, the problem being, is my canary is a type canary so not too great on the singing part, it mainly ends up sounding like laser sounds, with buzz and Clëo going at the same time, it sounds like a game of space invaders to wake me up every morning :huh:

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These stories are just so cute. I'm completely jelous. Make no mistake, Gus is also too cute for words. He's a star at rolling over, any place, any time and my family must be starved for entertainment because we laugh every time. He has not started talking yet but I'm waiting in great anticipation.


Keep them coming.

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So here we're sitting, our evening ritual, I was reading a book, Bella tucked her head under my chin and was nibbling on me periodically for neck scratches. I was trying to "get" something better that I was reading, so I read it out loud. Then I stopped to think about it. At that moment Bella raises her head from under my chin, and puts her beak on my nose and stares me straight in the eyes and then slowly sticks her tongue out on to my nose :laugh: What a wierd little creature :laugh: :laugh: That must have looked SO strange her beak on my nose and the two of us staring at each other LOL

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Too bad someone couldn't have taken a pic of that pose with you and Bella, what a hoot that would have been. Thanks for sharing that with us. Josey has put her beak to my nose and lick it and stare me in the eyes too, she especially turns her head so she can look at me sideways, cracks me up every time.:laugh:

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LOL no kidding Judy! My partner isn't here right now, so it was just us critters here! It was such an odd experience, I was reading and then in the middle of my page that little grey noggen pops up :laugh: and then rather then looking at my book I was looking into the cute little face!

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