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Cute Stories Of Your Grey


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I know we all love and enjoy our Grey's, but each one of them are individuals and have something different about them. Some of us have showed some photos and many have written about some problems they’d had, but I thought we might share some stories about YOUR birds little thing they do.


My Hemingway is so funny when I’m getting him some hand feed food snacks. I keep them in a cabinet and I shake the container to let him know I’m bringing him a snack. He starts whistling a special way, and when he sees me enter the room he flaps his wings until I lift him and go to the couch with him. His eyes never leave the snack container, and when I sit with him he runs to my shoulder to be feed. He makes a mess all over me, but I love him for his excitement.



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So many cute things they do, you know the mess doesn't even matter.


Radar loves to eat, especially what we are having. I alway fix a little plate for him, so he can eat when we do, I just don't seem to get it to him fast enough. He sits on his cage, little wings about half out, bouncing up and down, and says, Debbie,Debbie,Debbie, over and over until he gets his food. And when he starts to eat I always ask "is it good"? He shakes his head yes as fast as he can & continues to chow down.

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So, far Klaus wolf whistles a lot, which is hilarious. I'm sure I'm "lookin good" when I stumble down the hall in the morning with my robe on & hair sticking up. He seems to think I warrant a whistle, though! :)

Also, it cracked me up the time he stole one of my frosted mini wheats right out of the bowl of cereal I was eating.

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Cute stories!

Wilson loves to torment Jazz our little dog, he will sit for the majority of the day shouting 'Jazz come here' or 'Jazz dont bite!' (she is the most gentle dog ever) another one is 'Jazz NO' all comments are closely followed by 'good boy wils'

Not bad seeing as hes only been with us for about 8 weeks :)

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Oh geez, where to begin?! Everything our Makena does is cute in some fashion or another. Kristin said in another post, but I have to say it again, that when we put him in his cage, and he wants out he will literally turn upside down on his back with his feet dangling in the air either in the bottom of his cage or even in his food bowl, as if to say "look at me, I'm locked in my cage and helpless." This one gets me everytime. {Characters-000200D2}

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Mine likes to play "get the toes wearing ski masks". Every time I leave my sock on when I'm in bed with him he will "attack" them. I can't remember who it was that used the fraise to describe play...I want to say LMG but I could be wrong...but he does act like they just stole his wallet. It can hurt sometimes, but normally I'm cracking up because he seems to be having such a good time and it's soooo darn cute.

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Oh yeah, another thing that happened that I thought was funny was not too long after he weaned I gave him a millet spray to munch on when I left for work. When I got home the spray was picked clean and his crop was huge. I felt his chest and I was shocked to find that he felt like a Hacky Sack! I freaked and called the breeder to ask him if I needed to get his crop pumped. He said to watch him to make sure it was emptying and was laughing at the mental image he was getting of a Hacky Sack with wings. It took a full day but his crop emptied on it’s own. This was my first scare with him and looking back I think it's hilarious seeing as though he loved it soooo much that he filled himself to the brim.

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These are all great and entertaining stories!! :-)


One short story on Dayo.


If he wants my attention, He will chirp, wolf whistle and all the other Grey sounds for maybe a minute. If I don't pay any attention to him, he will walk into the 6x8x18 inch cardboard box and then proceed to make every sound and vocalization he knows , more and more volume as time progresses. he will continue this for at least 15 minutes.


But, if I reply back, he will slowly back out of the box and check to see if I'm looking at him. If I'm not, he will walk back and the box and continue at a more fevered pitch. :-)

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I told this one on another post, but it is so cute I thought I would repeat it.


If I am in another part of the house when Radar can't see me, He will scream my name as loud as possible, I answer him by saying "What Radar", he then yells "Get in here". So funny.

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Your stories are sooo wonderful! I love reading them. Finni doesn't do too much yet, but he has started to do his wolf whistle in my presence and my B&G has started to say Hot...Between the two of them whisteling and yelling Hot...I'm feeling pretty darn good by the end of the day (even if Loki, my B&G, is talking about Temp and not me!). :P

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BMustee wrote:

LOL...thats funny Dan! Is it like a soda can box or something you gave to him?


Mine will flip his toy bowl and use it as a soap box...he stands on it and screams and barks at all the toys and the finches.


Yes, I use a 12 pack fridge pack of Pepsi box.


I can picture the Soap Box antics :-)

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Harrison likes to go after my husband's toes...so, recently my husband started saying "this is my nose (pointing to nose) and those are my toes (pointing to toes)" to Harrison...now every morning Harrison says it over and over again. It's very cute...I just wish she could do the pointing...ha.


Harrison tends to do that with every word/phrase she learns...she'll say it over and over again...then it becomes part of her morning ritual...I really wish there was a way of getting it on tape.

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Here's one about Bond:


When there is to much going on around Bond like the dogs barking outside. She will get on top of her cage and say Shhhhhhh be very quiet...I have no idea where she got this but it is too funny to have a bird tell you to be quiet....:woohoo: :woohoo:

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These stories are great! Athena is still young (7 months) but she has figured a few things. She particularly loves giving the cats a hard time - she dive bombs them on a regular basis and will fluff up at them if they even walk near her cage. Occasionally one will hop up on my lap and a few times she's lunged at them, which resulted in much no-noing on my part.


A couple of months ago I was sitting at the kitchen table (surfing the internet) with Athena on my shoulder, happily preening the both of us. Then my husband called and I was so busy chatting with him that I didn't even notice when one of the cats jumped up on my lap. All of a sudden I felt Athena lunge and I knew the poor cat was in for it. I looked over and she abruptly froze, cat's tail still in her beak. The look she gave me was priceless! Her eyes got wide and she opened her beak just enough for the tail to slip out - just like the classic picture of the dog who gets caught about to eat the cat.


So I told her "No!" and she shook her head, then did it again - but this time, she pulled the cat's tail in so she could grab it with her foot, and then she started preening! Now whenever a cat gets up on my lap, they get a free tail grooming courtesy of the bird. She'll even nibble an ear or give a kiss if she's feeling particularly generous. It almost makes up for the dive-bombing, but not quite. They still lick their lips when she's not looking :P

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Those are funny stories.. lol

On thing with Calvin was he was talking before I had ever picked him up from the breader. He is SOO Smart.

I could name many things that he does, but there are a couple that crack my husband I up so much:

Whever we are singing or listening to music, Calvin likes to sing along. He does this "Do,do, do" Thing and like makes up his own tune.

On a really hot day, we swing open the freezer door, and have him stand somewhat inside the freezer and he just goes nuts!! He loves it SOO much! He flaps, and flaps...acts like if he was bathing. And he sticks his head way in there and like says something funny. And turns around and puts his butt on something cold. We had him in there for like 10 mins one time. (He isn't in there with the door shut..God forbid)He didnt want to get out. Hahaha! He is So silly! {Feel-good-0002006E}

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I tried to put Hemingway by the freezer and he ran right up my arm screaming. I couldn't stop laughing, he wanted no part of it.








Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/10/15 17:05<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/10/19 14:37


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There is too much stuff in my freezer to put Makena in :P :P :P


So you want to hear a cute story?


I typically always have my hair up... it is soooo hot here all the time and having my hair on my neck is just one more thing to heat me up!


So anyways, the other morning I actually had my hair down and walked into the living room where Makena was. He didn't recognize me and immediately puffed up and went into attack mode!!! LOL!! Then I spoke, he recognized my voice and calmed down... silly bird :P

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LOL...I have really long thick hair too and It's like a sheepdog on my neck if I wear it down, I wonder if my grey would freak!


I have a bad habit of drinking out of the carton (well, gallon jug really). So the grey sits on my shoulder when I'm drinking my tea from the jug and he decided he wants to be like mommy, so now we both stand in front of the refrig drinking out of the carton.

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I was visiting Merlin, the Grey I rescued last Sunday. I was holding him and scritching his neck telling him I Love, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE him and that he is pretty... lots of soothing things he probably has not heard in a long time and he said, plain as day, "LOVE!" That's the only thing he's said so far but he was also giving me kisses. I may get to bring him home this weekend, he's been eating a bit on his own and I can handfeed him a couple times a day. :cheer:

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I was visiting Merlin, the Grey I rescued last Sunday. I was holding him and scritching his neck telling him I Love, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE him and that he is pretty... lots of soothing things he probably has not heard in a long time and he said, plain as day, "LOVE!" That's the only thing he's said so far but he was also giving me kisses. I may get to bring him home this weekend, he's been eating a bit on his own and I can handfeed him a couple times a day. :cheer:

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