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Screaming Parrot


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Hi Nicole, is the screaming a constant ear piercing scream ? Something she didint do before she was being looked after ?


Some parrots scream as a way to get attention.The cycle must be broken in order to change the negative behavior. Reward your bird when s/he doesn’t scream and never reward your bird when it does.Completley ignore the screaming behaviour as hard as it may be, never show any reaction.shower your bird with attention and love once the screaming stops.

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Great advice!! Beckette had a really annoying noise, and by completely ignoring it she has been doing it a lot less recently. Rewarding the behaviours that you like is a lot easier than trying to break a bad habit that you don't.

Its actually hard to praise good behaviour because you don't really notice it. Especially something like being quiet. So you will have to make an effort to notice the lack of noise - not just give a sigh of relief. :lol:

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Good advice from everyone. My CAG Quinn makes the sound of the smoke detector going off! I try to ignore him and he usually gives up, but every so often I have to peak in and check to make sure it is him.;) My husband likes well done toast so the darn thing goes off all the time:angry:

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I agree with the other posters, the thing to do seems to be to ignore them entirely when they're screaming. At least for Ponti, it's the worst form of punishment! But when she is quiet again, we give her all the love she can handle!


I've found that negative reinforcement rarely works at all with these guys. It's tough sometimes, but rewarding good behavior seems to have much more impact on a bird than "punishing" bad behavior.


Incidentally, probably one of the worst things you can do with a screaming parrot is to yell at them. They don't really (well, at least mine doesn't anyway) have a sense of being in trouble when they're getting yelled at. They seem to think you're simply getting just as excited as they are, and try to top you!

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