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Poor baby


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Well back to vet today. Neytiri dropped more weight and was still sneezing. And I thought she ate part of her bell. They did an X-ray looking for the bell piece and found her air sacs looked hazy so now I have to give her meds. That is not an easy task for a beginner. Both mommy and baby have colds. :(

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and Neytiri. It is so scary for us to have to give meds at home for the first time. When our baby was sick, I first toweled him and held him to feed him a dropperful. The second time was tougher because he knew I was coming. I decided to sit quietly, visualize myself walking through the steps to have everything ready. With a fleece blanket on the counter top to be prepared for scooping him up in case he resisted, I asked him nicely to take his medicine and he beaked the syringe and I squirted it in. We both were a little surprised, but every day after than he just took his meds when I showed it to him. If you do have trouble getting them into Neytiri, give your vet a call, they will have lots of helpful suggestions or maybe have you bring her in so they can help. It's that much worse when you don't feel well either. I wish I could come by with some chicken soup and a hug for you.

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Will do. The vet said we caught it really early so shouldn't be anything to worry about.


Sorry to hear of this, but the news the vet gave is VERY GOOD. :)


It is difficult to get those meds down, but just like with a child, they are for their own good health, like it or not. You are a GreYt parront! :)

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Sassy...I am so glad you got her the help she needed. Did the Dr mention how your baby would/could have picked up this "cold"? I hate the internet because everything seems to come across the wrong way but I couldn't help but wonder....I ask because I have a baby also and it scares me to think that they can get sick so easily.

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Sassy...I am so glad you got her the help she needed. Did the Dr mention how your baby would/could have picked up this "cold"? I hate the internet because everything seems to come across the wrong way but I couldn't help but wonder....I ask because I have a baby also and it scares me to think that they can get sick so easily.


I wondered the same thing. Want to make sure I didn't do something to cause it. I'm also sick so I hope I didn't give it to her.


I will ask when I take her in 2 weeks for a recheck.


Driving me nuts today that I can't peek in on her as my web cam is down today. Arghhhh

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Thanks everyone for your support with this. This is hard on me as its the first time dealing with something like this. I don't have any kids of my own and my stepson was older when he lived with us. Definitely treading on new ground.

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Sassy, you are doing a fine job with Neytiri. Even with experience with human babies, with two baby greys and giving meds, a few weeks ago when our other little bird was sick and needed meds, I was just as scared and feeling inept and bumbling to try to get her to take her drops. When I had to take Gilbert to be tested, I was praying he didn't need to take anything because he would definitely be challenging and it is more than two hours round trip to the vet without any traffic issues. Good to know you have added this experience to your bird mama resume. As Neytiri is showing improvement, I hope you are feeling better and getting over your illness as well.

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