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How Do Your Greys Use Language Meaningfully?


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I posted a similar thread a few weeks ago, but I wanted to expand it a bit and invite feedback from others in the forum regarding language use among our greys. In the last two months my relationship with my 15 month old CAG has changed dramatically. I feel like we are actually communicating through language in meaningful ways. I'm curious how that is manifested in your relationships. I just want to share a few things and get feedback from your experiences.


First, I will admit that at times Gracie just seems to run through her vocabulary in ways that seem random. She will just practice all the words she knows as a kind of chatter. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. This is usually when she is doing her morning and evening vocalizations. She is just happily babbling.


On other occassions she seems very intentional in her choice of words. I will give four examples.


1. When Gracie is hungry she hops off of her main cage and goes to the top of her travel cage. Although she has pellets always available in her main cage, her favorite meals of veggies and mash are given to her on her travel cage. She climbs down to her travel cage and repeats the following two phrases:


a. Gracie want some cheese.

b. Gracie want veggies.


She doesn't say anything else. She repeats those two phrases associated with food.


2. When I leave the room, but am still in the condo she says the following phrases.

a. Gracie want Daddy

b. Daddy's here.

c. Daddy's a good boy.

d. Gracie want a kiss.


3. When I have left for a long period of time for work or other comittments and return after an absence Gracie chooses to consistently say:

a. I'll be back

b. Daddy's home

c. Daddy's here.


4. Like clock work between 8:30 and 9:00 Gracie says the following.

a. Night night time.

b. Time for sleepies.

c. Gracie go back in cage-step up.


This happens every day. I have no doubt she knows what she is saying. I read about Alex. I read about Cosmo. But now I live with this being that speaks to me in English and gets it right! I am naturally skeptical and didn't buy into all the hype easily, but after nearly a month of clear consistent language use in context, I have to say that African Greys are quite simply amazing. I'd love to hear similar examples from other parronts. I don't want make it seem like talking is the most important thing in our realtionship with our fids--clearly I loved Gracie with all my heart before she said a word, but with language Gracie is making her feeling known and this helps us bond.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I highly recommend you read Dan's tread from start to finish [All Members]Grey Cognition and language abilities



You have a lot you can post there.....,You will also find as Gracie gets older, you'll be spoken to in: parrot, expressions and movements and in Gracie's slang........Thanks Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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Like Gracie, there are times Timber just seems to be running through his vocabulary. That's usually when he is alone. Other times, it is obvious that he is using language appropriately. He says "goodbye" when I leave for work and when I go to bed, with no prompting. He says hello when I come home, etc. If I'm on the phone for more than a minute, he says, "OK.... Bye!" I notice when I'm watching him on the cam from work, he will occasionally say "it's OK Timber" which I assume is self-comforting. The other day, the phone was ringing as I was watching. My answering machine vocalizes. If you don't answer after two rings the machine says "Call from <name or number>." The other day, after the answering machine said the number, Timber said "hello." When it rang again, he said "hellooooo" (irritated tone). He says more phrases and words all the time, and one of the joys of living with a grey is to see what he'll come up with next :)

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I am naturally skeptical and didn't buy into all the hype easily, but after nearly a month of clear consistent language use in context, I have to say that African Greys are quite simply amazing.


LOL! Now you know just how intelligent these grey sentient beings are. Their internal clock is as accurate as our mechanical/electronic clocks. When it is a specific event time, they will let you know as you described.


Gracie will continue to shock and amaze you. The most unnerving thing to me, is pondering just how much more is going on in that brain than they vocalize to us? You know they have thoughts and opinions just as we do and ponder on without speaking. Sometimes the unspoken words are the most powerful, just through a look or body language. They both go hand in hand.

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Amazing! I've noticed that Tobie links certain phrases to not just time of day but also to events. I don't normally work on saturday and I usually spend a lazy morning eating breakfast and talking and playing with Tobie. This saturday I had to work, but got up late,then picked up my coat and purse to which Tobie said "Where you going?". I've never heard him use that phrase before. Also my husband is diabetic and checks his blood every night at 9:00. Whether we are in the bedroom or still downstairs in front of the TV, we can count on Tobie to remind Frank "time to check your blood" at 9:00 PM on the nose. What's funny is when he has been put to bed and we've turned in early and we hear his little voice in the darkened house "time to check your blood".

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Amazing! I've noticed that Tobie links certain phrases to not just time of day but also to events. I don't normally work on saturday and I usually spend a lazy morning eating breakfast and talking and playing with Tobie. This saturday I had to work, but got up late,then picked up my coat and purse to which Tobie said "Where you going?". I've never heard him use that phrase before. Also my husband is diabetic and checks his blood every night at 9:00. Whether we are in the bedroom or still downstairs in front of the TV, we can count on Tobie to remind Frank "time to check your blood" at 9:00 PM on the nose. What's funny is when he has been put to bed and we've turned in early and we hear his little voice in the darkened house "time to check your blood".

The wonderful thing about Tobie is that he really does understand how important Franks blood checks are! I think you should call him Doctor Tobie :)


Steve n Misty

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