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Update and an Itchy Eye

Guest XxExoticPsychExX

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Hello everyone!


Sorry I haven't posted in forever. I have been lurking though! Solomon and I have been doing great. Biting is practically non-existant now (yay!), but he still plucks (booooo) when I'm not around.


I'm posting today since I have a question: Have your greys or other birds ever accidentally irritated their eye in some way that has caused them to continuously scratch at it, or in the general area and want to close only that eye?


I had a bit of a scare yesterday. I got home late in the evening with my boyfriend. We went straight to Solomon, gave him scratchies, attention, you name it for about 10 minutes. My boyfriend stayed with him while I went to the shower. Solomon stayed on/in/around his cage (cage door open) while I was getting squeaky clean for about 15 ish minutes. By the time I came back in the room, my boyfriend told me that Solomon began scratching only at his left eye and closing it. I took a look at it and noticed what he had described. There was no visible bruising, fluid, scratch, debris or anything out of the ordinary in regards to both of his eyes and the surrounding areas other than what was described earlier. Solomon was still acting and being just as verbal as he normally is. I had him step up without a problem and as long as he was on my hand he did not scratch his left eye, but did keep it closed. I also noticed that his left nostril looked dirty (like black color dirty) when compared to his right nostril that was perfectly normal. I also didn't see anything different other than that in regards to his nostrils and nares (i.e. No mucous, fluids, etc.). My boyfriend did tell me that Solomon picked his nostril earlier and pulled out a feather though. It was too late to call a vet so I decided to just cover up Solomon's cage and let him sleep. After I put him back in his cage he no longer continued to scratch or anything.


Jump to this morning: Normal! His left nostril was no longer that color, his left eye was open, no scratching of said eye was taking place and he was still his normal self.


What gives? I began thinking that maybe one of us, somehow, accidentally scratched his eye with a finger nail, that he may have legitimately had some debris in it and scratched to where it irritated him and caused him to scratch even more, he played too rough with a toy, or something else.


I tried looking some stuff up online, but have found nothing like this. Everything mostly includes some kind of fluid or mucous coming out of an eye or nostril, but Solomon has had none of that.


Has this ever happened to any of you? If so, do you know what caused it? Anything similar? Should I be more concerned than I am? Anything??


I'm on my way back home from school so I'll get to check him out again before heading off to work. I asked my family if they noticed anything out of the ordinary and everyone says no. :confused:

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Thanks guys! I'll definitely keep you updated. I was able to check on him earlier today around 3 pm. He looks perfectly normal, both his eyes are open, no scratching and nostrils are clear. I'll report back if anything's amiss and after a week if he's been doing well.

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When you give scratches to Solomon, do you feel very small/fine pin feathers? The reason I ask, is both my birds are going through a molt and Dayo has a gazillion small facial pin feathers coming in around his face and scratches as you are describing. He also of course will turn his head as I give him scratches which positions my finger right in the eye area at times.


Nothing you wrote sounds alarming or like a health issue at all in my opinion.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

No, I haven't seen or felt any pin feathers like that around his face. At least none close to his eye. A tiny amount on top of his head yes, but none that close to his eye. I'll check again just to make sure though.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Yes, I always get suspicious whenever I see the smallest change in detail about him.


Well, it's been a week now and I'm happy to report that the problem has not come back at all! Whoop whoop! :D

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