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Just got my CAG

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and he is amazing!


Honestly, I went into this with no expectations.

When I was little we had a Blue Amazon (excuse my translation as I am German ) but we had to give it up because severe changes in our family.

Now, 40 years later I am finally in a position to give a home to an amazing bird.


Some details, I researched some subjects, but not all about this bird. I expected a period of not eating, grieving for his family: basically I know what I am getting into.

As far as the bird this is what I know; they are a military family, the bird is about 4 years old, they had it for 3, the husband was the one who really wanted the bird but was not able to establish a relationship because of deployments, the wife took over and she assured us there are no problems with the animal. She started crying when we met the bird for the first time.

I have no details on vet care given. Should I get some details from the husband? He is on a different post and she did not know the details. Are there some papers that might come with it?


But, so far he has been a joy! Eating, whistling: I expected him to be so sad!


I have not approached him and just try to get him used to our family.

Any advice at all is welcomed. His cage is right where the family hangs out most of the time.

Thank you for this forum

Edited by DanielaWelborn
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Hi DanielaWellborn and welcome to the grey forum.

A four year old grey is still a very young grey and it will adjust to your family.

Just give it some time to settle in. Sit by your grey and talk to it , sing or just sit next to it and read and share some quiet time.

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Thank you! To be honest I am a little afraid of things to come but I know the journey will be worth while.

Rays advice is great, your doing good, let it happen at its own pace. As time goes on you'll find out if there's any baggage,[old issues] address them as they come up...Thanks and welcome....Jayd

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Hello Daniela and welcome to our family.

You are off to a great start with this grey and as mentioned earlier in Ray's post, he is a young grey so his adjustment should go smoother than if he was an adult bird.

If I were you I would try to find out more details from the previous owner, vet records would be very helpful and any particulars about what he likes and dislikes as every bird is an individual and is different.

You are doing the right thing in letting him decide when he comes out of the cage and wants interaction with you, its best not to push for more than he is willing to give, you want to get him to trust you and it has to be earned so take it slow and easy and let him set the pace.

You didn't mention a name so what is his name and pictures are always welcomed if you have some you would share with us.

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Welcome to the forum Daniela, I hope your journey is as filled with joy and anticipation as the day your brought home your new friend. When we brought a baby grey home from his breeder, we had a bill of sale. But, when we got a rehomed parrot, he came with no paperwork, no band on his leg. It hasn't been an issue for us, but I don't know about other countries. Many of us getting a rehomed parrot have very little information on previous vet care and start fresh with our own vet. You are doing great getting him started. Congratulations on your lifetime companion.

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