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Sleep Location

Guest guelah75

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Guest guelah75

I just ordered a cover for Morey`s (CAG) cage, and I am looking for direction as to what room I should have him sleep. I have heard a couple ways. First, should I have two cages for him, a smaller cage for him to sleep in, in another room (I already have the smaller cage). Another is move his large cage into another room and cover it. The last, leave it in the living room and cover it. The last one is more convenient for me, but will the TV bother his sleep if I keep it low? I also heard that birds like to hear some noise at night so they know someone is close by.

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cage, in my bedroom for night. The "sleeping cage" contained his cloud (a big frilly knot he liked to cling to when he slept) another smallish toy, a bell (for ringing, if he felt I was oversleeping), food and water.

It wasn`t a "play space" - and he knew when it was bedtime when we`d head to the sleeping cage - after the first few days, he never fought going in, would climb in happily (groggily) on his own.

After I`d put him to bed, I`d leave a nightlight on til I went to bed. Otherwise, normal noise and activity continued. He understood that the sleeping cage was "bedtime" and never threw a fit, screamed (well, as much as a parrotlet could scream... G!), etc.

It worked very well for both of us...

After a cpl years, I changed to a new sleeping cage - totally different shape. It hung in the same place and had mostly the same stuff inside. He has no transition problems.

The only thing about the sleeping cage, I insisted the bars be black instead of white... dunno that it mattered though.

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