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Baby & Dutch...HELP!

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Hello everyone! My name is Rachel. I just found out that I am inheriting my grandmothers two Congo African greys. I currently own a (awesome!) Jenday conure as well as a house sparrow. The greys are around 25 years old. Unfortunately, they are coming from very , very bad living conditions. My grandmother is a hoarder, of animals and variously objects. I haven't seen the birds since I was 7 (I am 22 now). She doesn't allow anyone in her house. I know it's dark and the air quality is very bad, as you can smell urine and various odors from the front porch. It's also very dusty from what i can tell. The birds havent been handled since.....forever? My grandma loves her birds, and has the best intentions...but its just gotten out of hand. Baby has a plucking problem. I was also told that Baby is missing toes... I know I have A LOT of work ahead of me. I am unsure of their temperment and health, but I am expecting the worst. I will be picking them up this week or next. Until then, im going to absorb as much info from this site as possible, and make a vet appt appt at the nearby avian and exotic vet first thing! I have so much to learn in so little time! Any advice/link recommendations are very much appreciated. I will post photos as soon as i get them home! Thanks in advance! -Rachel

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Hi Rachel, welcome to the Grey family. We have a great Health Room with a moderator, Dave007, who has raised, owned and re-homed greys I think forever. Some of our members have also re-homed olders greys and so I believe there are threads in the different rooms to help you with all kinds of information. Any questions, just ask.

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Hello everyone! My name is Rachel. I just found out that I am inheriting my grandmothers two Congo African greys. I currently own a (awesome!) Jenday conure as well as a house sparrow. The greys are around 25 years old. Unfortunately, they are coming from very , very bad living conditions. My grandmother is a hoarder, of animals and variously objects. I haven't seen the birds since I was 7 (I am 22 now). She doesn't allow anyone in her house. I know it's dark and the air quality is very bad, as you can smell urine and various odors from the front porch. It's also very dusty from what i can tell. The birds havent been handled since.....forever? My grandma loves her birds, and has the best intentions...but its just gotten out of hand. Baby has a plucking problem. I was also told that Baby is missing toes... I know I have A LOT of work ahead of me. I am unsure of their temperment and health, but I am expecting the worst. I will be picking them up this week or next. Until then, im going to absorb as much info from this site as possible, and make a vet appt appt at the nearby avian and exotic vet first thing! I have so much to learn in so little time! Any advice/link recommendations are very much appreciated. I will post photos as soon as i get them home! Thanks in advance! -Rachel


Probably, loads of people will chip in and try to help. This is just a few thoughts.


1--first off, it's imperitive that you get these birds checked out by an avian vet. Expect it cost quite a bit because in your situation, the birds have never been tested plus they've been in a house with things that have been contaminated. You'll also have to keep both away from your other bird for at least 2 wks. I'm not insulting her but most animal hoarders love their animals but the more there is, the less care they get. You'll probably need to get new cages. The present ones have been contminated by bad air and fecal matter. As far as handling, the only thing I can say is that it'll take quite a while for the birds trust you enough to let you handle them. As far as the toes, the vt can tell you about that. Any plucking problems can be checked out by the vet. Any breathing conditions or problems can be checked out the visit. Although they may not like it, they both need to be misted with coldish water. Soaked as much as possible. Under wings, breast area, tail area. You'll need to feed a basic parrot mix until they settle down and then you can add the veggies and fruit to the diet. No vitamins or supplements in the drinking water.

Others will chime in and we'll be hear for you. Good luck and pat yourself on the back for taking in and giving a home to these adult greys.

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Good for you taking these grey into your life, follow Daves' suggestion to get started on the right foot with them. Give them time to adjust once they have been Vetted since they have not been out of that house in so many years it will all be a huge change for them. A big new world to get used to new person, new home and possibly new cages, toys and food. Just go slow approaching them, have low expectations for interaction to start with and let them show you what they like and what helps them feel safe. We are all here and ready to help both you and the birds. Welcome to our rather Grey world.

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Hello Rachel and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new additions to the flock though sorry about the conditions they had to live in before coming to you but Dave is right about hoarders, they care but they take in so many that each does not get the care and attention they deserve, thayt should change now that they have new homes.

Yes please read thru as many of the threads here as possible to learn all you can before they get there and ask all the questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can especially after they arrive, we are here to help you but it sounds like you are on the right track, keep us informed.

Pictures are always welcomed after you get them home.

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Thank you very much everyone! I am hoping to pick them up weds and already made a vet appt for next weds with the avian vet. I will keep ya'll updated! Until then i'll be lurking around here....


Hello, MissOMalley!


I am also new here - and believe me when I say these people know their stuff! Just reading around on the many discussion topics, they have stickies that give you vital information to the health of both your bird and your relationship with your AG. I've only had my CAG since last Thursday - and what a week it's been! Give them a lot of time to adjust, and as cute and curly as they may seem, try to give them the space they need. Perhaps being out of your moms house will help Baby to grow their feathers back - but just accepting them for who they are and what they're all about is the real trial.


My CAG is 10 years old, already - so it will be interesting to see how yours adjust and learn from your situation!


Are the CAGs bonded as a pair? Or are they in separate cages?

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I believe my grandmother is senile. Come to find out, I will be inheriting Dutch and Emmie. Emmie is a 20ish year old grey. She (?) is not a plucker, but is missing toes. She was a rescue and has always been missing the toes and it doesnt slow her down. Baby passed away 5 years ago, presumably from the plucking.I had to move the pick up date to next week as i now know i need to buy new cages. Supposedly Dutch has removed enough bars that he can stick his head out of his cage! They are not bonded and are in separate cages. Dutch has been sexed and is confirmed male. Emmie is unknown, but thought to be female. Dutch talk and sings, Emmie does not. She says they are healthy :/. I am relieved that they do not pluck! I am nervous and anxious to meet them....but i am concerned about taking in 2 at one time. Especially since i have little kmowledge of birds.

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I believe my grandmother is senile. Come to find out, I will be inheriting Dutch and Emmie. Emmie is a 20ish year old grey. She (?) is not a plucker, but is missing toes. She was a rescue and has always been missing the toes and it doesnt slow her down. Baby passed away 5 years ago, presumably from the plucking.I had to move the pick up date to next week as i now know i need to buy new cages. Supposedly Dutch has removed enough bars that he can stick his head out of his cage! They are not bonded and are in separate cages. Dutch has been sexed and is confirmed male. Emmie is unknown, but thought to be female. Dutch talk and sings, Emmie does not. She says they are healthy :/. I am relieved that they do not pluck! I am nervous and anxious to meet them....but i am concerned about taking in 2 at one time. Especially since i have little kmowledge of birds.


Well, just understand that people here are patient, very helpful in the biggest and smallest and the major and the minor things and your only requirement is to ask questions, even questions that you thnk shouldn't be asked. You'll get opinions, tricks to do things, methods to do things concerning all sorts of things. Just look at all the rooms that are here. Lots of info, lots of exchange with many people who're willing and ready to help. Greys are complex birds but people can give you opinions about what's going on. Like I said, ask away. You owe that to your birds.


PS---One other thing, when posting, use the different rooms depending upon what you wanna talk about.

You'll get more responses from people.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks! Dutch and Emmy are home! They are both terrified :( Dutch puffs up and hisses i think when i come near. He looks and sounds like someone gagging....but i dont hear hissing. He was very eager to get out of his carrier and to his new cage...even pushed open the carrier door . He went straight to his water bowl. Emmy however wouldnt come out of her carrier. I put it in the bottom of her cage and went shopping for 3 hours. She was still there when i got back :( She finally came out on her own when i placed an almond and her water bowl outside the carrier. I guess i did a nono, i let her take an almond from my hand.


I posted in the grey lounge about Emmys no toe issues. I feel bad for her...i think i bought a cage too big for her special needs feet. I was told that she does fine in any cage , but so far i beg to differ. I placed a towel in the bottom of th e cage for her to sleep on...shes passed out! I think Emmy and i will get along soon enough. Dutch i think will take quite a while.

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Of course they are terrified at this point, its all new surroundings for them so expect it to take a while especially for Dutch. I read your post in the other thread where you posted pictures of Emmy and she is a sweetheart but Dutch will require more time and patience from you so don't take offense when he puffs up and growls at you, that will pass when he feels more comfortable. They may mourn for their previous owner since she had them for a long time but just take it slow and easy with them and ask any questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Why would you think it was a no no to let her take an almond from your hand, nothing wrong with that, in fact it is the most common way to bribe our birds to do something we want them to do like going back into their cage at bedtime but it was great that she took it from your hand, I guess you thought she could have bitten you and yes she could have but show no fear for they sense that and by her taking it from your hand you are on the road to building trust with her. You have to earn their trust and food rewards for good behavior is just good sense.

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