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Hi everyone. I have a Yellow Yead Amazon,but had an African Grey but he died at 16 yrs old, 2 yrs ago and I am thinking of getting another as I miss everything about the grey. I thought I woul join a forum so I could just get some different ideas of greys and parrots.

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Hi everyone. I have a Yellow Yead Amazon,but had an African Grey but he died at 16 yrs old, 2 yrs ago and I am thinking of getting another as I miss everything about the grey. I thought I woul join a forum so I could just get some different ideas of greys and parrots.

Like Janet said, stop by the Amazon room, Share you and your Zon with us....Thanks Jayd

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Hello Pjbmom and welcome to our family.

So sorry about your previous grey but glad you want to open your heart for another, as you have found out a grey is an awesome creature and you are going to make a great parront to another one.

Many of us here have more than just one grey or one bird, I have 3 parrots and many of us that have greys have more than one but I like having different species of birds, you find that each one is different and has their own personality, they certainly do make life more enjoyable as you well know.

We have an amazon room where you may share some pictures and tell us some about him/her if you like.

Are you looking to get a baby or are you looking at getting a rescue or rehomed grey?

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Hi, welcome to our forum. Isn't that a coincidence, I have a Timneh Grey and think about getting an Amazon almost every day. This forum has a mix of wonderful people, some with mulitple species and all of us have a great respect for the individuality of each parrot. My deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved African Grey. It takes a long time for the sadness to fade a little so the joyful memories can bubble up unexpectedly to make you smile again. You are getting there as you contemplate another exquisite companion. Good luck as you consider your options. Our TAG is Gilbert. What is your Amazon's name?

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Hi everyone,

I am considering all options. I adopted my grey -figaro and he was wonderful but he came from a friends friend and I am taking my time finding another if I adopt. I do have a lady calling me who say 2,female and male. The put them together 6 mos to try to breed them, no eggs so she is selling them. She said before 6 mos ago she could hold them. My husband and I are relucant as we don't want breeders we want one to hold and love. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. I am also considering another zon, as I love mind - his name is Figaro. I adopted him about 8 yrs ago from a a friend. He lets me scratch and play with him and hold him if he gets on the floor but does not step up on his own nor does she want to. He enjoys being out and just being on his stand. I want another that is allittle more attentive to us and want us to hold him. Still love Fig as he is a joy.

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Hi, yes that it so to funny you want an Amazon. I love my Fig. He only yells Tam,Tam when he wants you -this was his other mothers name not mine. Other than that he nevers yells or screams. I do want to tell you that they definitely have a fruity smell to them. When we first got him we could smell it right away,now only at times. I am so torn on a grey,amazon or eclectus. I research all the time and ready to buy/adopt if I could just decide.UGH. Good Luck if you get a Amazon, mine is a yellow head. Sings,counts,talks,laughs he is great!

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Hi everyone,

I am considering all options. I adopted my grey -figaro and he was wonderful but he came from a friends friend and I am taking my time finding another if I adopt. I do have a lady calling me who say 2,female and male. The put them together 6 mos to try to breed them, no eggs so she is selling them. She said before 6 mos ago she could hold them. My husband and I are relucant as we don't want breeders we want one to hold and love. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. I am also considering another zon, as I love mind - his name is Figaro. I adopted him about 8 yrs ago from a a friend. He lets me scratch and play with him and hold him if he gets on the floor but does not step up on his own nor does she want to. He enjoys being out and just being on his stand. I want another that is allittle more attentive to us and want us to hold him. Still love Fig as he is a joy.


Proud of you, Jayd and Spock [Maggie]

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Always good to meet the birds personally before you make a decsion as to which bird, maybe the birds will help you decide by choosing you. Welcome and so good to see someone think it out before just setteling on an idea rather than an individual. Sad to hear about the death of your last Grey and I want to ask if you care to share what caused his passing?

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