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Big problem! Help!


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I find myself holding my breath and crossing my fingers for luck that this too shall pass for you and for Zak. One of our daughters swallowed a screw, two quarters, pennies and various other plastic parts and kept me scared, vigilant and often feeling guilty that I wasn't good enough. I learned how tough the digestion system can be. My hope is that Zak can rid himself of the bits he tore off your zipper without any intervention or harm. Oh, and the other daughter? She stuck a popcorn kernel up her nose and had to go to the emergency room to have it removed from her sinus cavity. You just can't live in a bubble and you can't keep your eyes open every minute. We just do the best we can every day. Glad that Zak is chatting away and seems to be less concerned about the zipper than you, the vet or your forum friends.

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My vet answered my last email. She said something like, if Zak did eat a lot of heavy metals, symptoms would be visible right away, so sooner rather than later,and if he did take little inside him, the chronic poisoning I can stop by being careful about his surroundings-I threw all the zippers away,and I'll have to change some locks on the cage too. He has a padlock on the top of the cage which he doesn't touch but I don't want to risk it. Any suggestions where I could find a type of lock which is made from a safe material?

Also she says that the pieces must come out but haven't found anything yet. Well, that is not entirely true, on Sunday I found 3 little, flat, brown pieces but I ruled them out as part of the zipper. Can he really melt the metal with his stomach acid? I haven't thought of that till now.

He still eats normally, drinks OK- not to much, sings/plays. Everything seems normal except me freaking out:-/

So, the right away poisoning kinda puts me little bit at ease (since it didn't happen-he doesn't have any symptoms), but we'll see.

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My vet answered my last email. She said something like, if Zak did eat a lot of heavy metals, symptoms would be visible right away, so sooner rather than later,and if he did take little inside him, the chronic poisoning I can stop by being careful about his surroundings-I threw all the zippers away,and I'll have to change some locks on the cage too. He has a padlock on the top of the cage which he doesn't touch but I don't want to risk it. Any suggestions where I could find a type of lock which is made from a safe material?

Also she says that the pieces must come out but haven't found anything yet. Well, that is not entirely true, on Sunday I found 3 little, flat, brown pieces but I ruled them out as part of the zipper. Can he really melt the metal with his stomach acid? I haven't thought of that till now.

He still eats normally, drinks OK- not to much, sings/plays. Everything seems normal except me freaking out:-/

So, the right away poisoning kinda puts me little bit at ease (since it didn't happen-he doesn't have any symptoms), but we'll see.


You don't need a padlock. Just get a D ring. It can hook on the cage door and the surrounding area that the door lock is located. It's impossible for any bird to open that type of item.

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of the zipper!


Well, get that D ring. Hardware stores. It only has one piece that moves. They're used in parachutes, Bungi cords, on straps that hold down items. It's impossible to move that piece because of where the spring is. Very light weight. about 3 in length. You were talking about a lock that he couldn't open??? A D ring isn't a lock. It's better than a lock in your situation. A bird can't hold it and open that piece at the same time.

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No new pieces guys but he is looking and acting fine. He ate a lot of yogurt today. Kinda threw all the fresh cheese away but I have feeling he's gonna like it because it is similar taste to yogurt. Now he is just being picky (like his parent;-)). I even bought a baby food-mashed fruit without sugar. It is denser than the regular juice so he didn't like it ( he didn't like my home made version also). It was my attempt to get him to like some other shapes of his food. Will try again. Ate a bit of oat. Well, all in all we are hanging in there! Thank you all once more for being so supportive and caring. It means a lot:-)

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So, I'm officially on the sick leave so Zak and I are little bit on the down side together. He eats plenty of yogurt in the evening (have no idea why). He ate so much that I thought he would pop! The bit I don't like at all is that his poop became really green today. He doesn't have a diarrhea, but very dark green poop. I don't like that one bit. And he didn't poop any new zipper pieces:-( I'm very worried again.. :,-(

But on the bright side, he is still playing, he cuddled a lot today. Haven't seen him/heard him drink water..? Maybe I just missed it. Will keep an closer eye on him tomorrow. I slept a good part of the day today anyway (but he didn't go to the cage at that time-he kept an close eye on me;-))

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Thanks for asking:-) Well, he s the same. drinking quite enough yogurt but not pooping out new pieces :-/ Playing, singing, screaming a bit when hungry... I'm worried that he is not pooping the pieces out.. I don't know. We'll call the vet again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well guys, haven't been in touch because Zak and I had some things to resolve.

Long story short, I had a state exam and Zak was my moral support and a personal cheerleader:-) He was doing great! Sometimes he even stayed late by my side while I was studying. I passed the exam and Zak passed the questionable period. It means, if he had any intention on having metal poisoning he would already have done it and according to the vet, since his "bag" (where he puts his food) didn't swell he is out off the danger. If his "bag" had swollen that would mean he didn't get all the pieces of the zipper out.

He's been playing, showering,cuddling, eating normally, drinking his fluids,all OK so we are out of the woods. The shirt with the zipper went to the trash asap and I'm watching him closely so he wouldn't eat something else he is not supposed to.

So, I'm sorry I didn't post sooner, I was waiting what will happen with him because I wanted to avoid the x-ray at any cost and this exam was killing me and all the time with it. Thank you all for sticking in with us!:-)

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Lead or zinc poisoning can happen quickly or build up slowly over time depending on how much of the metal a bird ingests, how much of the toxin is present, and other factors. Objects in the Crop,[bag] will pass on into the system unless there is blockage. Heavy metals can harm the kidneys and liver and leave the bird susceptible to illness in the future. Depending on the type of metal, it can take a long time for symptoms to appear. T

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Well, I know it can build up over time depending on what he eats in the future.. That is why I'm keeping an eye on him. And he'll be going on his total check up so we'll know more but I was afraid of him dying here and now and since he didn't change his behavior or his eating, I'm hoping he is really fine. Thank you for worrying. I'll call my vet again.

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