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I'v noticed that when I'm out Alfie (7 months old) does not seem to eat or play as cage/food is always as I'v left it but once I return he will start eatting and distroying his toys/playing, has anyone else ever experienced this? I leave radio on sometimes, Alfies not left for long periods of time, he eats well so I'm not worried about him just wondered if it was somthing they go through when young.

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I don't know if it is typical, but my birds pretty much chill until I get home. Only when I am home do they really roughhouse and eat a lot. I am not sure why. It seems kind of like they wait for me to display their more destructive sides. I think it is the comfort of the flock that allows them to be experimental or comfortable enough to eat heartily.

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Dayo and Jake are both fairly inactive and not eating, when we are gone or even in a room other than the one they are in. I suspect it is because they are flock creatures and everything is done with the flock. When we are in the room with out birds, they spring to life, play eat etc. They do seem to be very "Social" by nature and prefer to have meals and fun with a flock.

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